It's probably a similar case than our earlier gtk1/2-problem. From my understanding, USE="sqlite sqlite3" means, enable sqlite support if available and use sqlite3 if both 2 and 3 are available. Thus, apr-util should have something like this: DEPEND="sqlite? ( sqlite3? ( =dev-db/sqlite-3* ) !sqlite3? ( =dev-db/sqlite-2* ) )"
Uhm, no? You generally can't enable gtk+1 *and* gtk+2 at the same time, because the app either supports one or the other. So, this is completely different. If you dislike how's it handled and have a better, consistent and treewide solution, take it to gentoo-dev ML. Disabling feature that people need just because you dislike it doesn't fly much. Plus, the flag description is pretty clear about what it means. # euse -i sqlite3 global use flags (searching: sqlite3) ************************************************************ [+ C ] sqlite3 - Adds support for sqlite3 - embedded sql database
sqlite = 2.x sqlite3 = 3.x
*** Bug 350929 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***