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Bug 18974 - Openmosix 2.4.20 does not compile with gcc 3.2.2, glibc 2.3.1-r2 and a modular .config file
Summary: Openmosix 2.4.20 does not compile with gcc 3.2.2, glibc 2.3.1-r2 and a modula...
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Core (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Cluster Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-04-08 10:45 UTC by Daniel Tourde
Modified: 2011-10-30 22:36 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

As requested, my .config file (redhat-based-2.4.20.config,39.72 KB, text/plain)
2003-04-15 04:26 UTC, Daniel Tourde

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Daniel Tourde 2003-04-08 10:45:11 UTC

On April 7th I tried to build system by using Gentoo 1.4 RC3 for x86. To do so,
I started from Stage 1 and I specified in the menu.conf machine that I was
willing to build a system for an i686 with the -O2 optimisation.
Using the latest portages, gcc 3.2.2 and glibc 2.3.1-r2 (I think...) have been
built as well as the rest of the stage 2 and stage 3 packages without any single

Then came the kernel building.
I tried to compile the openmosix kernel with the kernel .config files from:
 - RedHat 8 and 9 beta with the modifications required by Gentoo Linux
(Reiserfs, /proc, ext3, ext2, virtual memory...) and the openmosix features.
 - Openmosix directly (.config file taken from their rpm source file) with the
modifications required by Gentoo Linux (Reiserfs, /proc, ext3, ext2, virtual

None of these kernels built correctly. I always ended up with one module or the
other generating a compilation error.

I suspect that this is due to the use of gcc 3.2.2 on vanilla sources.

So here is my requirements: Couldn't it be possible to add a new entry to the
sys-kernel directory?
a gentoo-openmosix-sources with: the patches to be applied to the vanilla kernel
to have it built on Gentoo (gcc 3.2.2) + the openmosix code.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Build stage 1, 2 and 3 with Pentium 2 -O3 (Gentoo 1.4 RC3, date of built
2. Choose the openmosix-source kernel, use the RedHat 9 beta .config file with
the correction for Gentoo Linux (Reiserfs, /proc, ext3, ext2, virtual memory...)
and the openmosix features or the openmosix .config file (taken from their rpm
source file available on openmosix web site) with the modifications required by
Gentoo Linux (Reiserfs, /proc, ext3, ext2, virtual memory...)
3. Compile the kernel according to the method described in the Gentoo Linux
installation procedure

Actual Results:  
Many modules do not built (it depends on the selection made). I suspect gcc
3.2.2 is responsible.

Expected Results:  
A modular kernel with the openmosix functionalities.

Well, as I said, I think it could be useful and wise to create a new entry, a
gentoo-openmosix-source containing patches for the kernel + the openmosix source
Comment 1 Michael Imhof (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-14 18:26:03 UTC
Ok, as i can compile the newest version of the official gentoo-openmosix kernel
( sys-kernel/openmosix-sources
      Latest version available: 2.4.20-r3)
without no problems on my gcc-3.2.2 and glibc-2.3.1-r4 system I'd ask you to include some more information:

- Output from "emerge info"
- Version of the sources you tried to compile
- Attach the .config file you used

So here is my requirements: Couldn't it be possible to add a new entry to the
sys-kernel directory?
a gentoo-openmosix-sources with: the patches to be applied to the vanilla kernel
to have it built on Gentoo (gcc 3.2.2) + the openmosix code.

I don't know what you mean with this. We have openmosix-sources in the sys-kernel directory.
Comment 2 Daniel Tourde 2003-04-15 04:18:13 UTC
Well, I do not have my Gentoo Linux box here at the moment. Besides, since then I tried to reinstall it using the gentoo-source kernel instead (without success either, I have exactly the same kind of problems, some modules do not build (see bug report 18969)).

I did my experiments on april 7th. By that time I think it was openmosix 2.4.20-r2, but this remain to be checked and confirmed (that should be easy with the dates of the .ebuild files).

About my .config file. I had several and none of them worked....
I join one that should demonstrate the problem. It is based on the RedHat 2.4.20 kernel. I added the gentoo-linux options and by loading it with the kernel option configurator (menuconfig I think is the name of the program), the basic openmosix flags should be automatically added. Now try to compile it (By then I used the defaults options for the architecture and the optimization (i686, -O2)) and see if it works.

What was I refering too in my bug report? I was wondering if the openmosix kernel was: 
- A vanilla kernel + openmosix add-on
- A vanilla kernel + pactches + openmosix add-on

Considering the problems I had, I came to the conclusion that I was dealing with the first option and I was simply proposing to add the second one. One named for instance : gentoo-openmosix-source or whatever.
Comment 3 Daniel Tourde 2003-04-15 04:26:15 UTC
Created attachment 10670 [details]
As requested, my .config file

Here is a typical .config file I am using.
It is modular and I like this feature. I am neither skilled enough nor
intressed enough to create by myself a .config file. I borrowed the .config
file of the redhat kernels (I like its modular nature) and I tried to adapt it
to gentoo linux (according to what is written on the installation manual).

Unfortunately, it seems that some of the modules chosen do not compile
correctly. The .config file simply triggers compilation problems (openmosix and
gentoo-source as well).
Comment 4 Michael Imhof (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-09 10:31:17 UTC
Problems look like general problems from the openmosix-patchset which is known to not compile is some kernel options are enabled.
Comment 5 Michael Imhof (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-31 06:34:04 UTC
Closing this bug.