cd /usr/portage/dev-ruby/mod-ruby/ cp mod-ruby-1.0.1.ebuild mod-ruby-1.1.1.ebuild ebuild mod-ruby-1.1.1.ebuild digest cd ../eruby cp eruby-0.9.7.ebuild eruby-1.0.3.ebuild ebuild eruby-1.0.3.ebuild digest cvs commit possibly if you've the time you could change the post install notice if eruby to something like: in order to enable eruby decomment out the related sections in your /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d/20_mod_ruby.conf: the section labelled "# for Apache::ERubyRun" and if your just bathing in time it may be an idea to add this to the mod-ruby ebuild post install notes: in order to enable mod-ruby edit your /etc/conf.d/apache2 to say APACHE2_OPTS="-D RUBY" thanks! ;-) Alex
eruby-1.0.3 in cvs by me. haven't touched mod-ruby yet.
Mind fixing this one?
Now in CVS.