$ export PAGER="vimmanpager" $ man man Go to any word and press \K: 1. In command line appear message ":call <SNR>12_PreGetPage(0)" and vim think ~3-5 second. 2. terminal begin beep. Press Ctrl-C and see: Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal ^M Error executing formatting or display command. System command (cd /usr/share/man && (echo ".pl 11i"; /bin/bzip2 -c -d '/usr/share/man/man1/display.1.bz2') | /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1 -c -mandoc | vimmanpager) exited with status 1. No manual entry for display ?1000h?1049h?1h27m23mmH2J?25l20;1H"-stdin-" 146L, 6590C20;11H[converted] 146L, 6590C1;20r?25h?25h27m23mmH2J20;1H?1000lm?1l?25hr?1049lVim: Error reading input, exiting... Vim: Finished. 20;1HVim: Reading from stdin... If use PAGER=less and do command ":Man man" in Vim - \K and Ctrl-] work fine. In interactive shell I'm use (with my patch for man.vim): export PAGER="less"; alias man="man2vim"; man2vim: #!/bin/sh if [[ " $*" =~ " -" ]]; then man $*; else vim -c 'let g:showmarks_enable=0' -c "Man $*" -c 'wincmd o' -c 'set nu'; fi Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
Works for me with recent versions of vim. Closing as fixed.