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Bug 186269 - Suggestion: cinelerra-cvs should be named cinelerra-cv
Summary: Suggestion: cinelerra-cvs should be named cinelerra-cv
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Lowest enhancement
Assignee: Marc Hildebrand (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2007-07-22 20:55 UTC by Mike Nerone
Modified: 2007-12-26 09:58 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Mike Nerone 2007-07-22 20:55:12 UTC
I'd suggest that the package currently at media-video/cinelerra-cvs should be renamed to media-video/cinelerra-cv for the following reasons:

1. As stated in the project's About page (, the project is known in the community as "Cinelerra-CV", where CV stands for "Community Version", and has nothing to do with CVS.

2. It's common convention in the tree that "*-cvs" ebuilds pull source from CVS repositories (and inherit the cvs eclass). The Cinelerra-CV project does, indeed, provide a code repository, but it uses subversion, not CVS. However, these ebuilds don't reference that subversion repository anyway (and don't inherit subversion.eclass), so names like "cinelerra-cv-svn" or "cinelerra-svn" wouldn't be appropriate either. Rather, these ebuilds reference specific snapshots on the Gentoo distfiles mirrors (which I presume are created by Zypher, the ebuild maintainer).

BTW, while you're at it, you might actually create an ebuild that pulls source from the project's repository, as it appears that this is the only way the project makes the source directly available (either cinelerra-cv-svn or cinelerra-cv-99999, which appears to be the newer and wiser convention).