When I'm running emerge -u world, and using open office, open office takes forever to do anything (like, say, open the file menu, or the file open box) I'm wondering if this is because openoffice is gimpy. i haven't noticed this sluggish performance in any other software (like, say, mozilla or xmms or ssh or whatever), but perhaps nicing the emerge subprocesses could help? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
openoffice is slow for me even when not doing anything else. I found this info about the 2.5 kernel and it should be true for 2.4 with the O(1) scheduler and stuff too. From http://www.codemonkey.org.uk/post-halloween-2.5.txt The behavior of sched_yield() changed a lot. A task that uses this system call should now expect to sleep for possibly a very long time. Tasks that do not really desire to give up the processor for a while should probably not make heavy use of this function. Unfortunately, some GUI programs (like Open Office) do make excessive use of this call and under load their performance is poor.
sorry fellas, this is a can't fix... I do some work with openoffice, but i can't go in and rip out all of the schedule calls... they are written that way for a reason... if you want your opneoffice to run better, nice --adjustment either it (down) or your emerges (up)
db issue