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Bug 178154 - weird half-devs of various origins, possible retirements needed
Summary: weird half-devs of various origins, possible retirements needed
Alias: None
Product: Community Relations
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Developer Relations (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Infrastructure
Whiteboard: infra-retire: 2008-05-08
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Reported: 2007-05-12 06:44 UTC by Robin Johnson
Modified: 2021-08-30 12:37 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

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Description Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2007-05-12 06:44:35 UTC
Hi guys,

While examining old mail aliases, I found a bunch that seem to apply to some folk that are in a weird half-developer state.

They have mail aliases that point just to a single address - could you please check them for inactivity to see if they need retiring (this will be really hard, since they only exist as mail aliases), or if they are active, promote them to proper user accounts (non-ebuild developers probably).

First set:
See woodpecker:/var/mail/alias/gwn/
aja  bahadir haimat martin mluisser nadi sputnik tph
(sirseoman is in there as well, but he does have an account).

All of them seem only to be mentioned in a really old GWN:

Second set:
(all under /var/mail/alias/)
Comment 1 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2007-05-19 05:26:58 UTC
nightmorph: as a docs guy, maybe you know more of these people with a half-dev status.
Comment 2 nm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-05-19 06:25:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> nightmorph: as a docs guy, maybe you know more of these people with a half-dev
> status.

Negative. The name "aja" sounds vaguely familiar, perhaps from two years ago or so, and sirseoman is some kinda dev, isn't he? The rest haven't had anything to do with the GDP, GWN, translators, or had their names on any documentation etc. as far as I know.
Comment 3 Christian Heim (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-05-19 09:54:30 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Hi guys,
> While examining old mail aliases, I found a bunch that seem to apply to some
> folk that are in a weird half-developer state.
> They have mail aliases that point just to a single address - could you please
> check them for inactivity to see if they need retiring (this will be really
> hard, since they only exist as mail aliases), or if they are active, promote
> them to proper user accounts (non-ebuild developers probably).
> First set:
> ----------
> See woodpecker:/var/mail/alias/gwn/
> aja  bahadir haimat martin mluisser nadi sputnik tph
> (sirseoman is in there as well, but he does have an account).
> All of them seem only to be mentioned in a really old GWN:

Since gwn is Chris/neysx territory, how about adding them ? :) Also sirseoman *is* a GWN translator iirc.
Comment 4 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-05-19 10:07:04 UTC
sirseoman has an account and is in the roll-call. He committed German GWNs 2007-05-01. Maybe someone did him a favour and created the alias before he was recruited?

Never heard of the others. Same kind of favour?
Punt them. If they are of any use, we'll hear from them :)
Comment 5 Deedra Waters (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-10 20:09:07 UTC
klieber/ramereth, wasn't/isn't sandymac a sponsor of some sort? I 
thought i remember seeing him in infra back when i was doing infra stuff

As to the others, i'll send mails out to them and try to figure out who 
they are.

Comment 6 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-21 22:28:31 UTC
Which GWN aliases are you talking about, exactly?

I know who should be on the main gwn-feedback and gwn-writers aliases.  For any of the translations aliases, I would have the foggiest idea.
Comment 7 Dimitry Bradt (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-07-10 08:39:54 UTC
what's the status of this bug? :)
Comment 8 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-07-24 19:39:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> klieber/ramereth, wasn't/isn't sandymac a sponsor of some sort? I 
> thought i remember seeing him in infra back when i was doing infra stuff

sandymac is a University of Florida sysadmin. He worked with setting up our initial rsync infrastructure that we know today and he provided and still provides the rsync mirror located at UF. I believe that's or He was on infra at one point as the rsync admin/POC.
Comment 9 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2007-07-24 19:49:10 UTC
Ok, so sandymac and sirseoman are accounted for in the list, but none of the others thusfar. Maybe promote sandymac to an account rather than just a mail alias if he's still active?
Comment 10 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-02 16:50:09 UTC
Maybe we should CC them on this bug so they can explain their involvement with Gentoo. We could decide if it justifies a account or not after that. If they don't respond it would mean they are missing in action and we could pursue the standard retirement due to inactivity procedures.

What do you guys think?
Comment 11 Ferris McCormick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-02 17:37:42 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Maybe we should CC them on this bug so they can explain their involvement with
> Gentoo. We could decide if it justifies a account or not after
> that. If they don't respond it would mean they are missing in action and we
> could pursue the standard retirement due to inactivity procedures.
> What do you guys think?
Seems reasonable to me.  I don't know any of them except perhaps for martin and sputnik, although that old GWN brings back memories --- I remember it. 
Comment 12 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-02 18:11:29 UTC
CCing everybody on the list just like I wrote in comment #10. 

Guys, please tell us what is your current level of involvement with Gentoo so we can decide if it justifies leaving your accounts in place.
Comment 13 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-02 18:29:48 UTC
I've mailed sputnik, tph, mluisser and martin since they have no corresponding bugzilla accounts. mluisser's mail address (the one mail is being redirected to) is dead. Unknown recipient. So this account can be deleted.
Comment 14 Tobias Hansen 2008-05-02 22:37:33 UTC
I was a transalter for the very old GWN.
Some weeks ago, I send a mail to the GMN team, to translate some stuff from the GMN to german.

Regards, tph
Comment 15 Bahadir Kandemir (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-03 19:30:14 UTC
I'm a retired GWN translator, you can remove alias.

Comment 16 Matthias F. Brandstetter (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-03 20:08:08 UTC
Hi all,

I have translated the GWN some time ago. No active Gentoo-related duties now. But I still use this mail address (alias) for private Gentoo-related stuff like the Gentoo forums. Would you mind to leave this alias for me or do you really have to remove it?

Kind regards, Matthias
Comment 17 Daniel Gerholdt 2008-05-05 06:41:02 UTC
I'm a retired GWN translator, you can remove the alias
Comment 18 Nadi Sarrar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-07 18:06:13 UTC
I'm also a retired GWN translator, my email alias (nadi) can be deleted.
Comment 19 Bahadir Kandemir (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-07 18:08:01 UTC
Removed myself from CC list.
Comment 20 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-07 20:21:29 UTC
Okay. Infra, please process the first part of those "retirements" and remove aliases for: bahadir, nadi, sputnik, haim, tph and mluisser.

Guys, this doesn't mean we don't appreciate your contributions, it just means they don't justify you having those aliases. We will be happy to recruit any of you via normal recruitment ways as regular developers if you are still interested.
Comment 21 AJ Armstrong 2008-06-12 03:34:47 UTC
Finally saw my cc on this while cleaning out the spam directory.  I'm a retired GWN contributor and tester for AMD64.   Haven't been particularly active for more than a year.  About all I use the email for is my logon here.  Feel free to kill it - I can just create a new account here if I want to post an ebuild.  Someday, when I have more time, I'll try to get recruited again.
Comment 22 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-06-15 11:30:33 UTC
Any news on this bug? Why isn't the first part of removals processed yet?
Comment 23 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-28 11:13:51 UTC
Comment 24 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2008-08-31 23:57:31 UTC
removing undertakers alias.
Comment 25 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-12-07 11:06:10 UTC
Okay. Moving it to infra-bugs.

Accounts to be removed: bahadir, nadi, sputnik, haim, tph, mluisser and aja.
Comment 26 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-05-30 22:46:07 UTC
Comment 27 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-07-23 13:41:30 UTC
Yet another bump. Are things done? Can this bug be closed?
Comment 28 Alex Legler (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2014-04-26 12:19:16 UTC
The following aliases have been removed:
aja  bahadir  haim haimat  kage-chan  martin  mluisser  nadi  sputnik

Guessing this is fixed now.