gentooLocation gentooRoles gentooLocation is tied to my account; I don't see why I wouldn't be able to update it accordingly when I move. gentooRoles is tied to ones role in Gentoo; I dunno, I move around a lot and I don't see why I shouldn't be able to update my roles accordingly (I can already update the respective project pages when changes occur). Really the only problem with these two is a dev setting it to something stupid: location: Bob's anus or gentooRoles: Gentoo's Dictator or something like that. I think the chances of that happening are remote (most users don't even know how to set ldap attributes, most people can't see ldap attributes...etc..). -Alec
I don't see a problem with this but devrel should comment too
I'd love to open that to devs but would certainly prefer to wait until we can have roll-call autosynced from ldap. Opening up ldap before that makes me worried that ldap and roll-call will get horrible out of synchronisation.
This has been enabled a while, we just didn't publicize it yet. The userinfo.xml stuff is done now, so I'm commenting here and closing the bug. Visible only to the user, changeable by owner/admin/recruiters. - userPassword - birthday Visible to all users, changeble by owner/admin/recruiters. - gentooRoles - gentooLocation - gentooHerd - gentooGPGKey - gentooGPGFingerprint - sshPublicKey - lat,lon - mail [an element MUST always exist] - shadowLastChange, shadowExpire [system stuff]
Rockin' thanks!