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Bug 165559 - sys-fs/unionfs-1.5_pre200701042308 incompatible with gentoo-sources-2.6.20
Summary: sys-fs/unionfs-1.5_pre200701042308 incompatible with gentoo-sources-2.6.20
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Cluster Team
Depends on:
Blocks: kernel-2.6.20
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2007-02-06 03:33 UTC by Jose daLuz
Modified: 2011-09-17 04:29 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

ebuild gzipped - untar to /usr/local/portage/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (unionfs-gentoo-sources-ebuild.tgz,1.58 KB, application/octet-stream)
2007-02-26 23:35 UTC, Martin May
patch - put to /usr/portage/distfiles (genpatches-2.6.20-1.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, application/octet-stream)
2007-02-26 23:39 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.20-1.unionfs.tar.bz2 (genpatches-2.6.20-1.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2007-02-27 10:40 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.20-3.unionfs.tar.bz2 (genpatches-2.6.20-3.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2007-03-13 13:15 UTC, Martin May
gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r2-unionfs-overlay.tgz (gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r2-unionfs-overlay.tgz,2.01 KB, application/x-compressed)
2007-03-13 13:27 UTC, Martin May
gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r3-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection (gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r3-unionfs-overlay.tgz,2.71 KB, application/x-compressed)
2007-03-17 22:34 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.20-4.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch (genpatches-2.6.20-4.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2007-03-17 22:37 UTC, Martin May
gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r4-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection (gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r4-unionfs-overlay.tgz,3.23 KB, application/x-compressed)
2007-03-26 09:48 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch (genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, text/plain)
2007-03-26 09:53 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch (genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2,35.10 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2007-03-26 12:15 UTC, Martin May
gentoo-sources-2.6.21-r1-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection (gentoo-sources-2.6.21-r1-unionfs-overlay.tgz,4.12 KB, application/x-compressed)
2007-05-21 23:51 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs 2.0 patch (genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2,43.08 KB, text/plain)
2007-05-21 23:54 UTC, Martin May
genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs 2.0 patch (genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2,43.08 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2007-05-21 23:56 UTC, Martin May

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jose daLuz 2007-02-06 03:33:20 UTC
After updating gentoo-sources to 2.6.20 and rebuilding kernel modules, I get the following error with unionfs 1.5_pre200701042308:

 * Determining the location of the kernel source code
 * Found kernel source directory:
 *     /usr/src/linux
 * Found sources for kernel version:
 *     2.6.20-gentoo
 * you need the proper kernel version!
 * kernel: 2.4.x (x>19)    Version: 1.0.14
 * kernel: 2.6.x (x<9)     Version: Not Supported
 * kernel: 2.6.9 - 2.6.15  Version: 1.1.5
 * kernel: 2.6.16          Version: 1.2
 * kernel: 2.6.17          Version: 1.3
 * kernel: 2.6.18          Version: 1.4
 * kernel: 2.6.19          Version: 1.5

!!! ERROR: sys-fs/unionfs-1.5_pre200701042308 failed.

As with 2.6.19 there's no 1.5 release available yet. A compatible version would have to be either a 1.6 snapshot or 2.0 which does seem to be available, at least for -mm.
Comment 1 Jose daLuz 2007-02-06 04:06:23 UTC
This might be helpful ;-)

Portage 2.1.2-r8 (default-linux/amd64/2006.1/desktop, gcc-4.1.1, glibc-2.5-r0, 2.6.19-gentoo-r4 x86_64)
System uname: 2.6.19-gentoo-r4 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
Gentoo Base System version 1.13.0_alpha12
Timestamp of tree: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 23:50:01 +0000
ccache version 2.4 [enabled]
dev-java/java-config: 1.3.7, 2.0.31-r3
dev-lang/python:     2.4.4
dev-python/pycrypto: 2.0.1-r5
dev-util/ccache:     2.4-r6
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.13, 2.61
sys-devel/automake:  1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6-r2, 1.10
sys-devel/binutils:  2.17
sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.3.14
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.22
virtual/os-headers:  2.6.20
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64"
CFLAGS="-march=k8 -O2 -pipe -ggdb"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/3.5/env /usr/kde/3.5/share/config /usr/kde/3.5/shutdown /usr/share/X11/xkb /usr/share/config"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/env.d /etc/env.d/java/ /etc/gconf /etc/java-config/vms/ /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/terminfo /etc/texmf/web2c"
CXXFLAGS="-march=k8 -O2 -pipe -ggdb -ffriend-injection"
FEATURES="autoconfig ccache distlocks fixpackages parallel-fetch sandbox sfperms splitdebug strict"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --delete-after --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages"
PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/portage/local/layman/sunrise /usr/portage/local/layman/wrobel /usr/portage/local/layman/gnome-experimental /usr/portage/local/layman/break-my-gentoo-main /usr/local/overlays/myoverlay /usr/local/overlays/bmg-main"
USE="X a52 aac alsa amd64 amr bash-completion berkdb bitmap-fonts bzip2 cairo cdda cdr cli cracklib crypt css cups dbus debug dlloader dri dts dvd dvdr eds emboss encode esd fam ffmpeg firefox flac fortran gdbm gif glitz gnome gpm gstreamer gtk gtk2 hal iconv ipv6 isdnlog java jpeg kde kdehiddenvisibility ldap libg++ libnotify mad midi mikmod mono mp3 mpeg ncurses nls nptl nptlonly ogg opengl pam pcre perl pic png ppds pppd python qt3 qt4 quicktime readline reflection ruby samba sdl session spell spl sqlite ssl tcpd theora tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts udev unicode usb userlocales vcd vorbis x264 xcb xml xorg xv xvid zlib" ALSA_CARDS="emu10k1" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" LINGUAS="en" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="vesa nvidia"
Comment 2 John M. Drescher 2007-02-06 05:06:09 UTC
There is some upstream info here:
Comment 3 Martin May 2007-02-26 23:35:58 UTC
Created attachment 111364 [details]
ebuild gzipped - untar to /usr/local/portage/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources

contains a slightly modified ebuild based on gentoo-sources-2.6.20
Comment 4 Martin May 2007-02-26 23:39:36 UTC
Created attachment 111365 [details]
patch - put to /usr/portage/distfiles

Contains the unionfs diff from
Comment 5 Martin May 2007-02-26 23:48:16 UTC
The attachments from comments #3 and #4 add the unionfs 2.0 diff as a patchset to gentoo-sources-2.6.20. For me it works. I use it for the squashed portage tree discribed on
Comment 6 Martin May 2007-02-27 10:40:56 UTC
Created attachment 111395 [details]

Put this to /usr/portage/distfiles
This is the same as attachment 2 [details] but hopefully the mime-type and the file name will be visible in bugzilla now.
Comment 7 Martin May 2007-03-13 13:15:46 UTC
Created attachment 113162 [details]

The same file as attachment 111395 [details]
Comment 8 Martin May 2007-03-13 13:27:18 UTC
Created attachment 113163 [details]

Based on gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r2
Comment 9 Martin May 2007-03-17 11:32:15 UTC
Comment on attachment 111364 [details]
ebuild gzipped - untar to /usr/local/portage/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources

Take new version
Comment 10 Martin May 2007-03-17 11:32:47 UTC
Comment on attachment 113163 [details]

Take new version
Comment 11 Martin May 2007-03-17 22:34:10 UTC
Created attachment 113608 [details]
gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r3-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection

overlay collection
Comment 12 Martin May 2007-03-17 22:37:57 UTC
Created attachment 113609 [details]
genpatches-2.6.20-4.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch

Same as attachment 113162 [details] - put it to you distfiles folder
Comment 13 Martin May 2007-03-26 09:48:31 UTC
Created attachment 114469 [details]
gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r4-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection

Extract to /usr/local/portage/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources.
Contains also the older ebuild versions.
Comment 14 Martin May 2007-03-26 09:53:59 UTC
Created attachment 114471 [details]
genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch

Same file as attachment 113609 [details] - put it to your distfiles folder.
Needed by gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r4.ebuild (contained in overlay file).
Comment 15 Martin May 2007-03-26 12:15:57 UTC
Created attachment 114477 [details]
genpatches-2.6.20-5.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs original patch

Same file as attachment 113609 [details] - put it to your distfiles folder.
Needed by gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r4.ebuild (contained in overlay file).
Comment 16 Alan Hourihane 2007-05-07 15:26:05 UTC
This is a general problem, and shouldn't be tied specifically to the hp-cluster group.
Comment 17 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-05-08 05:37:08 UTC
We're in kind of a tough spot on this because they've started releasing unionfs as a 2.x series, which is a kernel patch rather than a standalone package. I'm requesting to the kernel team that they include the patch in gentoo-sources for 2.6.21 and newer.
Comment 18 Daniel Drake (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-05-10 12:26:26 UTC
Sorry, we aren't taking feature patches at the moment. If it were useful to a large number of people, or it were useful to release engineering, then we may consider it after it's merged into Linus' tree.

Unless the newer versions of unionfs are hooking deeper into the kernel, it should be possible for you to separate the source files out and build it externally (like the older versions).
Comment 19 devsk 2007-05-19 16:59:28 UTC
Is someone looking into building a unionfs-utils package? Now that its tied to the kernel very tightly (the patch modifies non-unionfs kernel headers) and the utils are in a separate package, it would require that we have a utils package.
Comment 20 Martin May 2007-05-21 23:51:43 UTC
Created attachment 119953 [details]
gentoo-sources-2.6.21-r1-unionfs-overlay.tgz - Overlay-collection

The 2.6.21-r1 overlay ebuild patches the gentoo-sources within the 2.6.21-u2 unionfs 2.0 (stable) patch. Needs genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2 in the distfiles directory.
Comment 21 Martin May 2007-05-21 23:54:35 UTC
Created attachment 119955 [details]
genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs 2.0 patch

Version 2.6.21-u2 from
Comment 22 Martin May 2007-05-21 23:56:53 UTC
Created attachment 119957 [details]
genpatches-2.6.21-2.unionfs.tar.bz2 - unionfs 2.0 patch

Version 2.6.21-u2 from
Comment 23 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-09-17 04:29:47 UTC
Removed from main tree.