This problem occurs with games-fps/tremulous-1.1.0 on amd64 Linux, but seems to be seen on different architectures, such as a debian ppc-machine. When playing Tremulous upon sight-contact with an enemy model the following notice appears: "Warning: OP_BLOCK_COPY not dword aligned", in game and on the console. This notice appears to be repeated fast and often enough (at least several dozen times a second) to lag the game and rendering it unplayably slow. Changing the values vm_game, vm_cgame and vm_ui in autogen.cfg (as hinted here didn't help. This action seems to be the usual thing to do when confronted with this bug in a Quake-engine. I was able to resolve this problem with an updated ebuild in a local overlay. The updated ebuild simply contained a slightly modified patch, originally written by Benjamin Jacobs, I got from Debian's bug reporting system. ( PS: since this is my first bug report, pls critisize :)
Created attachment 108824 [details, diff] simply let the warning not be displayed
Created attachment 108826 [details] ebuild containing patch simply added an 'epatch "${FILESDIR}"/tremulous_remove_block_copy_warning.patch' in src_unpack() { ... }
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 147302 ***