When enabling the EAddress conduit in gnomecc an error box appears saying "Unable to instantiate," then when actually attempting to sync the pda, another box appears saying "Loading conduit "e_address_conduit" failed!" I'm running Evolution 1.0.3-r3, but the problem existed in previous versions too. Seems to be just a problem with the ebuild as I've had it work perfectly on other distros. Also is not central to my computer as several others in my dorm are experiencing the same problem.
so, this is a part of evolution, or do I dig into gnome-pilot to solve this?
This is a part of evolution. The gnome-pilot-conduits package does come with some conduits, but they are for installing programs, syncing the time, sending email, etc., and are in no way related to evolution. The following conduits come as part of the evolution package and are specifically for syncing to evolution: EAddress, ECalendar, and EToDo. ECalendar and EToDo work great, the problem is just with EAddress.
Matt, you're fast becoming the de-facto evolution debug master
Maybe this helps ? :) http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/evolution-hackers/2001-November/003858.html
Seemant, I'm not the best person for this package. It seems I need to go through pilot link in gnomecc first to be able to get into the pilot conduit stuff. pilot link requires one of these PDA devices, which I don't have. pilot link wants me to put the device into the cradle to complete that part of gnomecc. I did grab ximian's src.rpm. they're using a 0.9.5 version with several patches. That might be useful as per the ximian comment to whoever.
http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2001/debian-user-200112/msg02203.html Have you all actually looked in the control-center thingy like someone in the above thread suggests?
from what I understand, the -r6 ebuild of Evolution has this problem fixed. Any feedback, please?
Apears to be fixed as of r6, although I don't know if this was a hack or a final fix. Will leave it up to package maintainer to change bug status.
This seems to be resolved