The page probably accurately documents the recommended ntp configuration, which is good for internal use, but it is bad as a general example. You might consider either adding the servers to the project, or they could be configured to use the pool. Because this is the top selection from a google search for gentoo ntp configuration, could you add a note such as: If you are configuring your system to use ntp, please don't blindly copy the above configration. Consider following the recommendations at the web page. Cheers! Reproducible: Always
The point of the page is to document how servers that are maintained as part of the official Gentoo infrastructure should have their NTP configured. One of the core benefits of syncing all of the machines on the same NTP sources, is that you can decrease the millisecond level differences otherwise present with
Our infra-webpage-monkey (who is that currently BTW?) might want to add a note or warning with robbat2's explanation to that webpage.
this is infra documentation, not general directions