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Bug 160593 - ada/gnat related libraries and utilities need updaing or are missing
Summary: ada/gnat related libraries and utilities need updaing or are missing
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: NeedPatch
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Reported: 2007-01-06 23:32 UTC by Hal Engel
Modified: 2017-02-22 10:10 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Hal Engel 2007-01-06 23:32:17 UTC
The following ada related packages are out of date and need to be updated to be current:

1. gtkada is currently version 2.4.x in portage.  Adacore released 2.8 long ago (current is 2.8.17).

2. gps-bin is currently 2.1 in portage. Adacore has been had 3.x available as GPL for over a year (currently 3.1.3) and current test snap shoots are 4.1 and this should be GPL soon.  It would also be nice to have a source build for this so that it works on more platforms.  A source build is difficult but I was able to get GPS from CVS to build on my amd64 machines a few months ago so it is possible.

3. florist appears to be a very old being version 3.15 (first included in portage in 2003).  The current florist download from Adacore is florist-gpl-2006 which was released July 2006.

Other things are missing all together.  

1. There is an Ada enabled version of gdb available from Adacore but it is apparently not in portage. 

2. GNADE the database front end for gnat is missing.


Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-02-03 23:01:37 UTC
Hi Hal.

Thanks for your interest!

1. I played with that version back when I was updating gtkada, however it had some problems. I will have to revisit it again when I am done with other aspects of upgrade.

2 I am going to take a look at gps and or gps-bin when I am done with above (as I think it will require latest version).

3  I just added new florist to the tree.

As for the "not yet in" issues, I'll look into that as well, however submitting some ebuilds or even trials for these packages will move things ahead ;).
For the gdb I'd like to at least get some pointers on how it is supposed to be built and used (I haven't need to use gdb yet to tell the truth, so I have not much experience with that beast :)).

Comment 2 Hal Engel 2007-02-03 23:47:31 UTC
1. My experience with gtkada is also somewhat mixed particularly as it related to getting the latest versions of GPS to build.  But the latest version seems to be fine.

2. Getting GPS to build is not an easy nut to crack.  Everything has to be just right since it requires specific versions of all of the libraries and the compiler and the documentation is a little light on the details.  But in the long run having an ebuild that builds gps from source code would benefit users on non-x86* platforms and even to some extent amd64 users.

3.  I will look into creating some ebuilds for these to post here.  I have only created a few ebuilds and most of those were clones of existing ebuilds with minor modifications, for example to build CVS or SVN instead of a released tarball.  So it may take me a while to get something working posted. 

I think most distros are much like Gentoo is at this point for this Ada related stuff (EI. not very current and missing stuff).  I think if this were pushed ahead to be close to current it would attract Ada developers to Gentoo.  There have been a lot of improvements in this over the last 6 months or so and if it keeps improving at that pace Gentoo might end up being the distro of choice for Ada developers.  

I really like strictly typed languages like Ada and Modula-2 but seldom get a change to actually work in them.  At one time I worked on a project that used Modula-2 which was really cool.  I currently mostly work in c and c++ and my main interest with this stuff is that I would like to be able to setup a fully featured Ada environment so that I can keep and maybe improve what Ada skills I have.  In any case keep up the good work and I will see what I can do to help out.
Comment 3 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2013-10-23 16:52:25 UTC
Probably one bug per outdated package and attaching an ebuild diff would help a lot, as ada team is understaffed and needed of help

Comment 4 Karlo 2014-02-15 01:11:03 UTC
He said that 5 years ago.

All Ada stuff now is even more outdated and even more stuff are missing or cant be compiled, where is ada team any plans to fix this?