If this is a dup, I honestly couldn't find it. I was working on g-cpan this week and came across this troubling bug. Here's the output: -snip- These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies / !!! Multiple versions within a single package slot have been !!! pulled into the dependency graph: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.66', 'merge') pulled in by ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-perl/Test-Exception-0.24', 'merge') ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.63', 'merge') pulled in by ('ebuild', '/', 'perl-gcpan/Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01', 'merge') ('ebuild', '/', 'perl-gcpan/Data-Page-2.00', 'merge') ('ebuild', '/', 'perl-gcpan/Module-CoreList-2.09', 'merge') It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can not be installed simultaneously. For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook. -snip- Curious, I checked. -snip- $ for item in "Module-CoreList/Module-CoreList-2.09.ebuild Class-Accessor-Chained/Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01.ebuild Data-Page/Data-Page-2.00.ebuild /usr/portage/dev-perl/Test-Exception/Test-Exception-0.24.ebuild "; do grep "Test-Simple" $item; done Module-CoreList/Module-CoreList-2.09.ebuild:DEPEND=" virtual/perl-Test-Simple Class-Accessor-Chained/Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01.ebuild:DEPEND=" virtual/perl-Test-Simple Data-Page/Data-Page-2.00.ebuild: virtual/perl-Test-Simple /usr/portage/dev-perl/Test-Exception/Test-Exception-0.24.ebuild:RDEPEND=">=virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.64 -snip- So only one of these depended on a specific version, all are ~arch'd (as am i), and there isn't any clear reason why this is blocked based on the dep. Help :)
This seems like it may be related to the issue reported in bug 158358. Please post --debug output for the command that triggers the error.
http://dev.gentoo.org/~mcummings/debug.ouput and before you ask - block was too large for a comment field, and bugzie died when i tried attaching it as an attachment. such is my day.
Try this url since dev.g.o seems to be eating the file. http://www.datanode.net/debug.output.txt
Since ~dev-lang/perl-5.8.8 is installed, preference algorithm is selecting virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.63 even though a higher version is available. You can work around the problem by adding <=virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.63 to your package.mask. I'm work on improving the preference algorithm now...
Created attachment 104965 [details, diff] always select the highest available new-style virtual This is fixed in svn r5419.
This has been released in 2.1.2_rc4-r3.
Thank you :)