xorg-x11-7.1.ebuild contains nothing about USE flags In spite of this two lines in /etc/make.conf: INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse synaptics evdev" VIDEO_CARDS="fglrx radeon vesa" Emerge shows me: # emerge -pv xorg-x11 These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-x11-7.1 [7.0-r1] USE="(-3dfx%)" INPUT_DEVICES="(-acecad%) (-aiptek%) (-calcomp%) (-citron%) (-digitaledge%) (-dmc%) (-dynapro%) (-elo2300%) (-elographics%) (-evdev%*) (-fpit%) (-hyperpen%) (-jamstudio%) (-joystick%) (-keyboard%*) (-magellan%) (-magictouch%) (-microtouch%) (-mouse%*) (-mutouch%) (-palmax%) (-penmount%) (-spaceorb%) (-summa%) (-synaptics%*) (-tek4957%) (-ur98%) (-vmmouse%) (-void%) (-wacom%)" VIDEO_CARDS="(-apm%) (-ark%) (-chips%) (-cirrus%) (-cyrix%) (-dummy%) (-fbdev%) (-fglrx%*) (-glint%) (-i128%) (-i740%) (-i810%) (-imstt%) (-mach64%) (-mga%) (-neomagic%) (-newport%) (-nsc%) (-nv%) (-nvidia%) (-r128%) (-radeon%*) (-rendition%) (-s3%) (-s3virge%) (-savage%) (-siliconmotion%) (-sis%) (-sisusb%) (-sunbw2%) (-suncg14%) (-suncg3%) (-suncg6%) (-sunffb%) (-sunleo%) (-suntcx%) (-tdfx%) (-tga%) (-trident%) (-tseng%) (-v4l%) (-vesa%) (-vga%) (-via%) (-vmware%) (-voodoo%)" 0 kB I will hold on the emerge of xorg-x11, even if it may be complete safe (and keyboard works anyway :)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 151540 ***