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Bug 15100 - Request to change how ccache is installed
Summary: Request to change how ccache is installed
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Zach Welch (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-04 03:10 UTC by Wayne Davison
Modified: 2003-03-13 18:36 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

The aforementioned ccache ebuild. (ccache-2.1.1-r1.tar.bz2,1.35 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-02-04 03:15 UTC, Wayne Davison
The aforementioned ccache ebuild. (ccache-2.1.1-r1.tar.bz2,1.35 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2003-02-04 03:15 UTC, Wayne Davison
Fixed ccache reinstall bug with symlinks (ccache-2.1.1-r2.tar.bz2,1.30 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-02-09 15:01 UTC, Wayne Davison
New ebuild for ccache-2.2. (ccache-2.2.tar.bz2,2.05 KB, application/x-bzip2)
2003-02-26 13:59 UTC, Wayne Davison

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Wayne Davison 2003-02-04 03:10:23 UTC
I think that the way the ccache package is currently installed in the
/usr/bin/ccache directory is not a good way to do things for a couple

1. The ccache binary is not on the path by default -- it should really
   be in /usr/bin so it is available even when its "wrapper" symlinks
   are not.
2. The ccache subdir is in a directory on the path with the same name as
   the executable -- this can cause confusion for simplistic programs that
   don't stat the file.

I'd like to suggest that the "wrapper" symlinks be installed either into
/usr/lib/ccache/bin (my preference) or /usr/bin/ccache.links.  With this
done, the ccache binary can be put in /usr/bin.

I've created an updated ebuild that implements the /usr/lib/ccache/bin setup.
The install ensures that the old /usr/bin/ccache dir doesn't get in the way
of the new executable, it ensures that the wrapper symlinks get removed on
uninstall and it ensures that the symlink's directory doesn't vanish on
re-install (by using a .keep file).

Anyone installing this ebuild should edit /usr/lib/portage/bin/ and
change the /usr/bin/ccache directory references to /usr/lib/ccache/bin (in 2

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Wayne Davison 2003-02-04 03:15:08 UTC
Created attachment 7915 [details]
The aforementioned ccache ebuild.
Comment 2 Wayne Davison 2003-02-04 03:15:47 UTC
Created attachment 7916 [details]
The aforementioned ccache ebuild.
Comment 3 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-02-04 11:29:28 UTC
i dont see the advantage of your way over the current setup ...
Comment 4 Wayne Davison 2003-02-05 01:13:14 UTC
The main advantage is that the ccache executable gets to live in /usr/bin where
it belongs.  This separates being able to use ccache (by name) from using
cache's compiler-cloaking symlinks (without having to resort to using fully-
qualified pathnames).  And someone who doesn't have /usr/bin/ccache on their
path can still easily get stats or tweak the expiration settings because the
ccache command is right there on the path.  With the current setup you either
get both the ccache command and the compiler-cloaking, or you get neither (or
you have to type full pathnames or setup aliases or something -- all things
that are less convenient than they need to be).

The other advantage is one of athestics and (possibly) FHS compliance.  Are
their any other packages that put a subdir into /usr/bin?  I know that the
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard says that there must be no subdirs in /bin,
but it doesn't say one way or the other about /usr/bin.  I personally would
avoid this, but if that's where you want it to go, having the subdir named
something like ccache.links allows you to still place the ccache executable
into the /usr/bin dir.

One last thought:  keep in mind that there is more to compiling than just
ebuilds.  The current system automates the use of ccache with ebuilds while
making it difficult to type the ccache command.  I'd like to see the same
ebuild integration with an easy-to-type ccache command.
Comment 5 Wayne Davison 2003-02-09 15:01:36 UTC
Created attachment 8094 [details]
Fixed ccache reinstall bug with symlinks

Zach Welch pointed out that the symlinks on my distcc ebuild were not surviving

a re-install, and this bug affects my ccache ebuild too.  I've taken Zach's fix

from distcc and used it in this r2 ebuild.

NOTE: when updating to this ebuild, either unmerge the old ccache version
you merge this version, OR merge it twice -- this will work around the bug in
the r1 release where it was being overly agressive about removing the wrapper
Comment 6 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-09 16:45:06 UTC
For what it's worth, I endorse these changes for several reasons:

1) it provides better compatibility for all users

2) it mimics the structure now used by distcc, which was adopted for
   many of these same reasons.

3) portage-2.0.46-r11 and later have support for these changes.  Search
   for /usr/lib/ccache/bin in for yourself

4) I've been involved with the process, so I'm both biased and
   knowledgable.  Take both bits as grains of salt.

I'd be happy to do the leg work to check in this new version as part of
my distcc check-in for bug 13897.  Wayne has also mentioned that he may
have unified colorgcc along these same lines.
Comment 7 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-24 16:16:07 UTC
Since Ryan has many other things to do, I'll take this one off his hands, as
the changes here complement the new distcc well and are already supported by
Portage versions 2.0.46-r11 and later.
Comment 8 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-24 23:40:27 UTC
I have committed an updated ebuild that incorporates some of the recent
changes to distcc, including a ccache-config script that manages the
symlinks in /usr/lib/ccache/bin.
Comment 9 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 08:21:50 UTC
I got this in my morning's bit of upgrades and it was broken in two separate ways, so I decided 
to mask it again until resolved, since it seems probable at least one of these issues won't be 
my local to my system :-) 
1) For some reason (don't know why yet, but haven't tested much) all standard configure 
scripts hang when trying to check 'g++ --version' - that's the last line in config.log but there's 
no test result, and then the script just sits there using 100% cpu. To be investigated. 
2) When merging 2.1.1 over 2.1.1-r2 I got this: 
>>> Merging dev-util/ccache-2.1.1 to / 
--- /usr/ 
--- /usr/bin/ 
!!! Failed to move /usr/bin/ccache to /usr/bin/ccache.backup 
!!! [Errno 21] Is a directory 
bak /usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/ccache.backup 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 1610, in ? 
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 954, in merge 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 1357, in doebuild 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 1489, in merge 
    return mylink.merge(pkgloc,infloc,myroot,myebuild) 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3990, in merge 
    return self.treewalk(mergeroot,myroot,inforoot,myebuild) 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3702, in treewalk 
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,"",cfgfiledict,mymtime): 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3870, in mergeme 
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,offset+x+"/",cfgfiledict,thismtime): 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3870, in mergeme 
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,offset+x+"/",cfgfiledict,thismtime): 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3858, in mergeme 
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/usr/bin/ccache' 
Seems as if portage moves files about to be overwritten to *.backup before actually removing 
them, and fails to do so in this case. This is probably a portage bug if that's so. I'll see if I can 
catch carpaski and ask him about that. 
Comment 10 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 09:01:34 UTC
I really do not understand what is going on here. 
I've made an empty ebuild that just calls /usr/bin/g++ --version - that's the real g++, not the 
ccache wrapper! - and it hangs if ccache 2.1.1-r2 is installed, but runs ok with 2.1.1. How can 
this be? How can ccache affect the real g++'s behaviour?! Yet that's what I'm seeing... 
This is gcc-3.2.2-r1 on ~x86... 
Comment 11 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 12:19:07 UTC
what version of portage do you have danamark ? 
thats a portage error btw and should be reported in a sep report ... but ive seen that 
bug before and it should be fixed now ... 
Comment 12 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 14:46:31 UTC
Dan, I am running this version on several machines (x86 and ARM) with 
none of the problems you have reported.  I have fixed the 'multiple installs'
problem with the ebuild, though portage is still not clever enough to install
a file over a previously installed and non-empty directory.

As for your lockups... Are you setting CC/CXX or PATH with portage?  That's a 
sure fire way to break things, and one which still needs be fully addressed. 
If trying a non-portage build, only PATH should be adjusted - CC/CXX should 
*never* be set.

Finally, I have added a DEPEND for portage to ensure the latest versions
are being pulled in.  I have had other reports of this new version working, 
so I'm not entirely convinced that the program is broken versus there being 
some strange problem with your setup.
Comment 13 Dietrich Heise 2003-02-25 15:02:30 UTC
I got the same error:

>>> Install ccache-2.1.1 into /var/tmp/portage/ccache-2.1.1/image/ category dev-util
>>> Completed installing into /var/tmp/portage/ccache-2.1.1/image/

>>> Merging dev-util/ccache-2.1.1 to /
--- /usr/
--- /usr/bin/
!!! Failed to move /usr/bin/ccache to /usr/bin/ccache.backup
!!! [Errno 21] Is a directory
bak /usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/ccache.backup
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 1610, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 954, in merge
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 1357, in doebuild
    return merge(settings["CATEGORY"],settings["PF"],settings["D"],settings["BUILDDIR"]+"/build-info",myroot,myebuild=settings["EBUILD"])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 1489, in merge
    return mylink.merge(pkgloc,infloc,myroot,myebuild)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3990, in merge
    return self.treewalk(mergeroot,myroot,inforoot,myebuild)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3702, in treewalk
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,"",cfgfiledict,mymtime):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3870, in mergeme
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,offset+x+"/",cfgfiledict,thismtime):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3870, in mergeme
    if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,offset+x+"/",cfgfiledict,thismtime):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 3858, in mergeme
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/usr/bin/ccache'

my emerge info:

didi ccache # emerge info
Portage 2.0.46-r12 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.2, glibc-2.3.2_pre1-r0)
System uname: 2.4.20 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /var/qmail/control /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/3.1/share/config /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/config /opt/quake3/cpma/server.cfg"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/env.d"
USE="x86 apm avi crypt cups encode jpeg libg++ mikmod mpeg ncurses nls pdflib png qtmt quicktime spell truetype xml2 xmms xv zlib gtkhtml gdbm berkdb slang readline arts tetex aalib bonobo svga tcltk java mysql gpm tcpd pam esd imlib oggvorbis qt opengl mozilla gphoto2 snmp cdr ncures threads X alsa -motif kde 3dnow sdl perl python guile ruby libwww ssl gtk mmx ogg vorbis oss gif gnome gpg gd"
CFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -march=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -march=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe"

the ccache-2.1.1-r2.ebuild works fine, but emerge -up --deep world
will downgrade to version ccache-2.1.1.ebuild that dont work.
Comment 14 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 15:09:20 UTC
stop reporting the portage error, it is a sep issue ... this bug is only for issues with using 
Comment 15 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-25 15:21:09 UTC
Okay, I've worked around the portage error that the ccache ebuild is choking on.
Please test the latest revisions in portage, which should allow you to move back
and forth freely between the 2.1.1 and 2.1.1-r2 installs.
Comment 16 Wayne Davison 2003-02-26 13:59:27 UTC
Created attachment 8746 [details]
New ebuild for ccache-2.2.

Here's an ebuild for ccache 2.2.  The only differences in the ebuild file are:

1. The Copyright year is updated.
2. The references to portage 2.0.X+ are changed to 2.0.46-r11+

And I'm included a new digest file, of course.	Otherwise it is the same as
the 2.1.1-r2 ebuild.

Zach:  you might just prefer to make these changes yourself, but I'll
provide the tar file, just in case someone wants to unpack it into their
/local/portage/dev-util dir.
Comment 17 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-26 14:34:16 UTC
I've added 2.2 to the tree, thanks Wayne.

I'm going to send a note to -core and remove the package.mask later today.
Comment 18 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-27 10:03:11 UTC
The other issue is probably a local problem of mine. I say that beacuse some other related 
problems have developed so that something is obviously broken in my setup, I'll search for it... 
Comment 19 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-13 18:36:24 UTC
this has been fixed with ccache 2.2 for a while