It would be great if a module was made (/lib/rcscripts/net) for dhcp6c. I don't know how hard it would be, considering dhcp6c works just fine without a configuration file, but needs one for advanced features. One thing to point out, however, is the bug requiring an ipv4 address on the interface in question before dhcp6c will run. I found that using an apipa works fine, as long as it is assigned before dhcp6c is run.
Kind of pointless really then if it requires an ipv4 address :) Why not use radvd and automagically configure IP addresses that way?
Because radvd doesn't(In reply to comment #1) > Kind of pointless really then if it requires an ipv4 address :) > Why not use radvd and automagically configure IP addresses that way? > Because radvd doesn't send DNS server addresses.
So I just found out about dibbler. Seems to work fine. Even supports stateless address getting, adding dhcpv6 functionality on top. Perhaps you could make a module for that instead?
I don't have a dhcpv6 server to test against, and my previous attempts with dhcp6c/s failed badly the last time (plus it's kind of a dead project last I looked). dibbler was dead too, but it looks like they've put out new software. I can attempt to write a module based on their man page - can you test it for me?
Yeah, I sure can. I would be glad to help out with whatever you want to tackle. Unfortunately, Dibbler doesn't work with modern kernels, and dhcp6c has that strange bug, but I hacked up my configuration to get it to work. Let me know what you need me to do and when and I will gladly provide you with any testing resources you need. :)
Ad dibbler: This project is regulary maintained, it runs on up-to-date linux kernel very well. The only problem is the client is not "interactive". It demonizes and operates autonomously (changes IP address, resolver and ntpd configuration). Currently, this missing feature is noted in dibbler's bug tracking system. There is also another issue regarding configuration on system startup time: The IPv6 address life cycle is more complicated. There are link scope and global scope adresses that have to be verified for duplications on link. Until the duplicate address detection (DAD) is not finished the addresses are not allowed by kernel for regular usage (binding etc.). Therefore IPv6 address list on interface can change on every link state change (e.g. ethernet cable plug in). This requires absolutly new approach from applications and start-up scripts. OTOH, IPv4 world doesn't solve this problem (changing addresses at run time) at all. My opinion is that network startup script should be able to manage stateless and statefull IP address configuration. But they must be able to pass interface without addresses too. We should warn the user that IP or DNS server addresses haven't been configured yet but the final effect (starting or not starting network services) should be configurable. I.e. scenario where no address is recieved and system continues starting must be considered as standard.
ISC DHCP client contains preliminary support for DHCPv6 since version 4.0.0.
*** Bug 264317 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
net-misc/dhcpv6 is no longer in the tree, so this won't be supported.
I would like to propose reopening this issue. It was closed WONTFIX because of the absence of net-misc/dhcpv6. However this functionality is available from net-misc/dhcp. Stuart Longland (redhatter) has written about how to add DHCPv6 support in <>. If I created a patch for OpenRC that added dhcpv6 support, is there a chance it would get accepted?
We closed it with NeedPatch as well. Send a patch and we'll take it. Write it against the openrc git tree please.
Created attachment 344574 [details, diff] Patch to add support for DHCPv6 via dhclient. At long last, here's my proposed patch to OpenRC to add some basic DHCPv6 support via dhclient. I have tested this using iproute2 and ifconfig (old and new formats) on Linux. I have no idea whether or how this works on *BSD. I welcome any feedback. Thanks!
Created attachment 344678 [details, diff] Updated patch to set DDNS options I found that the wrong options were being set for DDNS. Here's an updated patch that sets the correct options.
Created attachment 345132 [details, diff] Updated patch that installs the script. I discovered that the script wasn't being installed. So, here's an update to the patch that installs the script only on Linux.