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Bug 150875 - Different time zone, preferable UTC?
Summary: Different time zone, preferable UTC?
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Infrastructure
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Bugzilla (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Other
: High enhancement
Assignee: Jeffrey Forman (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2006-10-11 04:37 UTC by Alexander Skwar
Modified: 2011-10-30 23:16 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Alexander Skwar 2006-10-11 04:37:28 UTC
Right now, the times listed on bugzilla are based on PST:

 ------- Comment #3 From Conrad Kostecki  2006-10-11 01:00 PST  [reply] -------

For easier reference, it might be better to have those times based on UTC instead.
Comment 1 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-11 10:23:27 UTC
Can't do that.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 149523 ***
Comment 2 Alexander Skwar 2006-10-11 12:04:57 UTC
I'm curious - why can't the server time zone be changed? This seems to be a configuration option, as the bugzilla on displays times in a different timezone than this bugzilla does (on b.m.o it is PDT, while it is PST here. That's obviously not the same - at least it's a different name).

So, why can't the timezone of b.g.o not be changed? I'm really curious.

Note that I'm not after a user configurable setting - bug #149523 seems to be about having this setting be user configurable. So I doubt that this bug is dupe of bug #149523 as proposed by Jakub. Feel free to close the bug again, I'd propose WONTFIX.
Comment 3 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-11 14:45:29 UTC
Because it doesn't work properly, install your own bugzilla and try it. Please, go complain about this upstream, it's not our fault and not something we could solve.

Comment 4 Alexander Skwar 2006-10-11 22:58:26 UTC
Hm, how doesn't it work properly? Bugzilla at uses UTC, see - "Comment #1 from JP Rosevear  (developer, points: 21)
2004-01-05 14:15 UTC [reply"

As you can see there, they are using UTC.

How or what doesn't work properly? Is it, that converting an existing bugzilla database doesn't work properly? Or what doesn't work?
Comment 5 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-12 08:05:48 UTC
It doesn't work properly as in Bug 29668 or Bug 92437, i.e., we won't switch it to UTC because it is broken. Again, go complain upstream.