My RDEPEND record in /var/db/pkg says, for both media-libs/imlib and media-ilbs/imlib2 (the latest/only versions of the ebuilds): !bootstrap? ( sys-devel/libtool ) And nothing else. All the other deps are gone which can lead to problems. I'm not sure if libtool.eclass is resopnsible or what...
i dont think RDEPEND there gets used at all atm, so i don't think it hurts. But it might be an overall problem, cause a lot of packages i check there have weird RDEPENDS. On the other hand, the ebuild there contains the real dependencies, so it could be reconstructed. Should we make this a bug for carpaski ?
not sure if its related, but I just notcied that emerge -ep doesn't show any of the RDEPEND stuff portage would install w/ 2.0.47-r7
This was due to newdepend() being used semi-incorrectly... It has been fixed, but the problems it created can't be fixed without "cheating" or remerging all the packages affected.