I've created an ebuild for the MOD decoding library bassmod.
Created attachment 96239 [details] media-libs/libbassmod-2.0.ebuild
Created attachment 96244 [details] media-libs/libbassmod-bin-2.0.ebuild
Created attachment 96247 [details] media-libs/libbassmod-bin-2.0.ebuild
Reopen if this can be used for something else than Bug 146646. WONTFIX meanwhile. Thanks.
This library can be used for other things (like decoding MOD files for an open source/free game or other multimedia app). I've spoken with jakub and he agreed to accept this ebuild.
Created attachment 292247 [details] media-libs/libbass-bin-2.4
Comment on attachment 292247 [details] media-libs/libbass-bin-2.4 ># Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation ># Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 ># $Header: $ > > >EAPI="3" > >DESCRIPTION="MOD only (XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX) version of BASS" >HOMEPAGE="http://www.un4seen.com/bassmod.html" >SRC_URI="http://us.un4seen.com/files/bass24-linux.zip" > >LICENSE="free-noncomm" >SLOT="0" >KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86" >IUSE="doc" >RESTRICT="mirror strip" > >DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" > >src_compile() { > :; >} > >src_install() { > insinto /usr/include > doins bass.h > > use doc && dodoc bass.txt > > if use x86 ; then > dolib.so libbass.so > else > dolib.so x64/libbass.so > fi >}
Created attachment 292255 [details] media-libs/libbass-bin-2.4