Hi, There is net-www/mod_bwshare ebuild for version 0.1.6 , but the the developer has released already versions 0.1.7,0.1.8, and 0.1.9. Could we have also ebuild for the latest version 0.1.9 please? The old release had bugs that is necessary to be fixed. Many thanks. Cahya.
Hi, Any progress in this case? the upstream developer has another new version now 0.2.0 thanks, Cahya
Created attachment 98322 [details] mod_bwshare-0.2.0.ebuild This is mod_bwshare-0.2.0.ebuild
Dear people (those who care), I just masked net-www/mod_bwshare. UPSTREAM modified their webserver, which makes it impossible for wget to fetch the tarball (while fetching manually still works). There are currently those other alternatives in the tree: for apache1: net-www/mod_bandwidth for apache2: net-www/mod_bw and www-apache/mod_cband It is fading away sometime in February.