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Bug 138711 - Scientific gentoo reorganisation - Physics subproject
Summary: Scientific gentoo reorganisation - Physics subproject
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Development (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Science Physics related packages
Depends on:
Blocks: 138049
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Reported: 2006-07-01 07:15 UTC by Luis Medinas (RETIRED)
Modified: 2006-07-04 15:03 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

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Package list:
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Description Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 07:15:07 UTC
With the creation of this subproject it will improve science project. There's lot's of packages out there that needs to be added to the tree. So this herd as a future. We need to discuss with the other sub projects the inclusion of crystallographic tools. 

So let's start discuss and start this sub project. Please add yourself to cc if you are interested.
Comment 1 Danny van Dyk (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 07:23:18 UTC
I personally don't care whether crystallography software ends up in a sep.
herd/sub-project or in sci-physics.

However, i'd like to put some package in sci-physics:

* sci-libs/root, move to sci-physics/root (this is actually a program _and_ library, so it shouldn't be in sci-libs anyway. Also, it is developed by CERN
for HEP experiments, so clearly a candidate for sci physics.)
* sci-physics/feynfig (new package, use to generate feynman graphs automatically via xfig.)
* sci-physics/fermitools (new package, collection of different utilities)
Comment 2 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 07:39:55 UTC
More packages as suggested on -science list:

By pbients: sci-misc/camfr and sci-misc/mpb

By C Y <>:
Physics packages (not all of which may be in gentoo at the moment)

mpb (mit photonic bands - does have ebuild)

root (in sci-libs, maybe it should stay there?)
geant4 (it can be installed on Gentoo
but no ebuild yet)
(other stuff from is probably of

There are other tools of interest here: but I suspect many of
them have a wider application that just physics

Other possibilities: - probably a lot that might be included here.

The license is a bit wonky but there is this:

So the final list, excluding dups:
geant4 (new?)
paw (?)
sss (?)

Comment 3 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 09:03:16 UTC
suggested on bug 98233 CLHEP - A Class Library for High Energy Physics

I think now there's enough packages to start a new category... please add more here so we can do a final list.
Comment 4 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 09:06:27 UTC
i also forgot this packages that needs to be added to the tree:
Comment 5 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 12:41:41 UTC
I'd like to move sci-chemistry/abinit to physics.
Comment 6 Markus Dittrich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-01 13:39:15 UTC
One interesting addition to sci-physics might be CPMD [1]
which is a pretty powerful ab initio MD code widely used in solid
state physics and recently also in biological simulations. 
Unfortunately, it is not GPL'd but open source for non-profit organization 
if I remember correctly, but I'll have to read the license again. 
Now that gcc has a F90 compiler we should be able to build it, but I am
not sure since I haven't touched it in ages.

Comment 7 Sébastien Fabbro (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-02 01:49:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)

PAW is included in cernlib , and quite difficult to extract as a single package. cernlib is in bug #65708 and in the
Comment 8 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-02 12:14:28 UTC
if everyone agrees i would like to create the new category today and moving packages from another categories then ping infra to create an alias for us. After this we should import more packages and create a project page.
Comment 9 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-02 17:01:31 UTC
OK i created the new category and moved a few packages from another categories to the new. Now it's time to add some new packages, update the bugs and metadata.
My question is: How we should deal with gentoo/misc/herds.xml ? Just update the roles on science herd or create a new herd ?
Comment 10 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-02 17:28:39 UTC
A new alias is a new herd, so make new ones.
Comment 11 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-02 18:01:38 UTC
guys if you want to be on the herd please add yourself to misc/herds.xml.
Comment 12 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-03 17:41:05 UTC
closing this bug... now it's time to fix bugs and add new packages.
Thanks all