It's hard to believe that plain old lilo needs so much else... -- Bhaskar gueuze / # emerge --pretend sys-apps/lilo These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild N ] dev-db/unixODBC-2.0.6 [ebuild N ] app-crypt/krb5-1.2.6-r1 [ebuild N ] net-nds/openldap-2.0.27 [ebuild N ] net-fs/samba-2.2.7a [ebuild N ] net-ftp/curl-7.10.2 [ebuild N ] net-print/foomatic-2.0.0 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Parse-RecDescent-1.80-r3 [ebuild N ] dev-db/mysql-3.23.54a [ebuild N ] net-libs/libwww-5.4.0-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-util/dialog-0.9_beta20020519 [ebuild N ] app-text/tetex-1.0.7-r11 [ebuild N ] app-text/jadetex-3.12 [ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheets-1.77-r1 [ebuild UD] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.0-r1 [4.1-r1] [ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.11-r2 [ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-1.0 [ebuild N ] dev-util/gtk-doc-0.9-r2 [ebuild N ] gnome-base/ORBit-0.5.17 [ebuild N ] media-libs/imlib-1.9.14-r1 [ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-libs-1.4.2 [ebuild N ] media-libs/gdk-pixbuf-0.21.0 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.31-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/XML-Writer-0.4-r2 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/gtk-perl-0.7008-r9 [ebuild N ] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/ExtUtils-F77-1.14-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/PDL-2.3.2-r2 [ebuild N ] media-libs/mpeg-lib-1.3.1-r1 [ebuild N ] media-gfx/gimp-1.2.3-r3 [ebuild N ] app-text/texi2html-1.64 [ebuild N ] media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.4 [ebuild N ] app-text/ghostscript-7.05.5 [ebuild N ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.34 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/lilo-22.3.3-r1 gueuze / #
set up your USE variable lilo is pulling in nasm nasm is pulling in ghostscript because of 'doc' in your USE flag and ghostscript leads to all the others either explicitly or because of your USE
and if you wish to see doc's that explain this, theres a bug for it ... and if you wish to see more informative output from portage, theres a bug for it ... i think i got every aspect :)