This one seems good to go. Alexandre Buisse <> has expressed interest, "As far as I know, there is only coq, but I am working on adding agda, and we'll see from there..." Right now good for a herd. More packages may be added in perspective, making it a category, but this is for the maintainers to decide.. George
@mattam: is it ok if I add coq as part of the math-proof herd? I can take over maintainship too if you want. After a quick check of the contents of sci-mathematics, there is also otter, with no one in metadata.xml. The list of software we could add is quite long, too...
No problem for moving Coq. I can keep the maintainership. I don't know about otter.
guys if you need help with octave i'm available since i use it almost everyday i know very much the application (a long with matlab).
Just letting you know that I've added agda a few moments ago. Next in line is alfa (among other things, it provides a GUI for agda) and after that, isabel I guess, unless someone requests a specific package.
nattfodd has been retired and there are only three packages under it atm. Unless anybody steps up it makes sense to simply revert these packages to be under plain sci and delete the herd. If anybody wants to take over, please leave a comment. Otherwise this will be cleaned up in about two weeks. George
Well I am interested but I am not a dev, nor am I interested in being one atm (you'll no doubt be relieved to know ;) Not sure if a herd is needed; what were your reasons for establishing one in the first place? sci-mathematics sounds fine to me. (yes i read the other bug, jakub ;)
These just got themselves reassigned to sci: sci-mathematics/agda sci-mathematics/coq sci-mathematics/otter