(confirmed on the TikiWiki changelog webpage : "This release mainly enhances security with more protection and introduces various enhancements. It includes the security fixes in Tiki" http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=578094 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- [#] Security Advisory [^] http://securitynews.ir/ [>] Advisory Title: TikiWiki Sql injection & XSS Vulnerabilities [@] Author : bug [@] securitynews.ir [$] Product Vendor : http://tikiwiki.org/ [.] Affected Versions : (and maybe before) [/] Release Date : 06/13/2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Overview : Tikiwiki is a very powerful multilingual Wiki/CMS/Groupware, but it has some security bugs too . One sql injection and several cross-site scripting bugs have been found in tikiwiki (and tested in . [*] Details : No exploitable detail is going to be released . [*] Solution : Vendor contacted on 06/09/2006 and they have been released a new version (tikiwiki 1.9.4) : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258 ------------------------------ http://securitynews.ir/
Hello web-apps, please work again on tikiwiki :/ is out and corrects the SQL injection vulnerability and XSS issues. Thanks in advance
1.9.4 in CVS
Thanks rl03 ppc team, please test and mark stable, thank you
ppc stable
I would vote yes.
Yes. (/sigh)
because of sql injection, (and not because of the xss issue), i vote yes. GLSA will have to be combined with bug 134483
GLSA 200606-29