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Bug 135589 - Request for ebuild: Rubric
Summary: Request for ebuild: Rubric
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Lowest enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-06-04 20:34 UTC by trejkaz
Modified: 2014-10-13 23:21 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description trejkaz 2006-06-04 20:34:27 UTC
Rubric is a personal note taking and bookmarking system written in Perl, which supports tagging of entries.

My ebuild skills only good enough to make something that "works" but only for non-virtual-hosting.
Comment 1 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-04 20:55:02 UTC
Please, review the following and explain why it's needed in portage.
Comment 2 trejkaz 2006-06-04 20:56:51 UTC
From that very link:The module(s) provide tools, applications or other features (i.e. more than what their .PM offers)
Comment 3 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2014-10-13 22:16:13 UTC
Is anyone still interested in this? If yes, please say so here and now!
Comment 4 trejkaz 2014-10-13 23:16:31 UTC
Reporter here and I don't use Gentoo anymore, so I guess this is no longer useful for me.
Comment 5 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2014-10-13 23:21:51 UTC