Hello, I could not install dev-perl/FileHandle-Unget-0.16.21, it was chocking on a Config.pm, until I did not install: virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.18, following suggestion from http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Mail/DCOPPIT/FileHandle-Unget-0.1621.readme Maybe it needs to be listed as an explicit dependency? It seems that if it is missing it will try to install it itself and then it misses the Config.pm
Really need to see the error message you were getting. Don't suppose you had logging turned on in portage? I ask because Scalar::Util is a core module - the virtual is to satisfy version deps between perl releases and the module ebuild, but FileHandle-Unget doesn't specifically dep a particular version. Thanks!
Hello Mr. Cummings. You are indeed right: out of desperation I emerged 4 packages before trying again with FileHandle-Unget. In order, as from emerge log: perl-core/Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 dev-perl/Scalar-Properties-0.12 virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 dev-perl/set-scalar-1.19 So the perl-core was installed along, I do not remember if as dependency or I installed it explicitely. But I am sure that without one (or all) of these four, the FileHandle-Unget would have tried something requiring a Config.pm in /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/XXX, I do not remember anymore, sorry.
Nothing we could do here without seeing the actual errors; sorry.