Each of these packages has one or more ebuilds spitting out revdep-rebuild --soname foo or --soname-regexp foo information, instead --library=foo. Please cc the next herd/dev after fixing. dev-db/mysql dev-libs/libevent dev-libs/openct dev-libs/openssl media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/musicbrainz media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit net-libs/gnutls net-nds/openldap sys-apps/pcsc-lite sys-devel/gettext sys-libs/gdbm x11-libs/fxscintilla x11-libs/libdrm
net-libs/gnutls done. I don't know who to CC next. This is confusing - dealing with bugspam is less of a problem than having to check out which ebuilds have already been fixed and who maintains the next one that is not fixed. My two cents: CC everyone who is responsible, they will take themselves out of it once they fix their packages.
vapier did dev-libs/libevent dev-libs/openct dev-libs/openssl sys-apps/pcsc-lite sys-devel/gettext sys-libs/gdbm left are dev-db/mysql media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/musicbrainz media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit x11-libs/fxscintilla x11-libs/libdrm
mysql ok,
x11-libs/libdrm fixed
x11-libs/fxscintilla fixed
media-libs/musicbrainz fixed
Ping sound people. It's a relatively minor fix, if you like QA can take care of it. I'd prefer you do it however.
media-libs/alsa-lib media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit are the two that remain. If there is no movement on this in the next few days, I'll fix it.
"Fixed" both. The ALSA one I simply removed because 1.0.6 version is so old that most likely if you never update since that you need to re-emerge world, too. The Jack one was a false positive, it was commented out, so I dropped the comment entirely.