When downloading 02/20/2005 18:29 (GMT+1), emerge-delta-webrsync fails while fetching the files from ftp://ftp.tu-clausthal.de/pub/linux/gentoo///snapshots/deltas/ . Even at 20:34 (GMT+1) the files don't exist, but reading http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/source_mirrors.xml suggests that the source mirror should rsync every hour. I've tried a few from the german mirror list and so far only the above mentioned mirror don't have the deltas and the full portage snapshot.
I am going to monitor this morning and remove it if I see it get any older in age. Thanks, Jeffrey
Actually, the snapshot and deltas are always 1 day behind the master gentoo ftp. Maybe the mirror is only once per day syncing these dirs?
Is this still an issue? If you could hop on irc.freenode.org in #gentoo-mirrors some time and ping myself (jforman) or Kurt (klieber) we can discuss what's going on here. -Jeffrey
jforman: ping?
I have contacted the admin but received no response. The mirror is fine otherwise, so please try using another mirror for the snapshot delta's.