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Bug 122242 - Gentoo Art needs higher resolutions
Summary: Gentoo Art needs higher resolutions
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Michal Januszewski (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-09 05:21 UTC by Caleb Cushing
Modified: 2006-08-11 11:28 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Caleb Cushing 2006-02-09 05:21:28 UTC
With the increase of popularity of widescreen monitor's on both desktops and laptops it would be nice to have artwork that included widescreen resolution's for example my monitor has a native resolution of 1280x800, although 1024x768 is close I do notice some image stretching. These addition's to gentoo artwork would affect many packages including, but not limited to splash-themes, gdm-themes, gentoo-artwork. Although this is not an urgent issue It would be nice to have this feature by the time gentoo reaches a 2006.1 release.
Comment 1 Michal Januszewski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-10 10:38:39 UTC
This is easier said than done, I'm afraid. While I do agree that providing images for popular resolutions is a good idea, it is not always feasible. Consider gentoo-artwork, for example. The images provided by this package were in a large part collected from various places around the net, including the Gentoo Forums,, etc. Tracking the authors and then getting them to prepare images for new resolutions might be very difficult.

As for the other packages, gdm-themes and splash-themes-livecd, etc. -- you should contact their respective maintainers (ie. file bugs for these packages).

I'm planning some sort of support for automatic theme resizing in splashutils, so chances are all 'non-standard' resolutions will be soon be supported out of the box.
Comment 2 Caleb Cushing 2006-02-10 13:45:02 UTC
I was referring to only images like the emergence image, larry the cow, and other gentoo (tm) images (are they trademarks?). I know that most images in these packages are done by various author's and it would be hard, In fact I wouldn't assume that that artwork would be the responsibility of gentoo at all. However I assumed that official gentoo artwork artists would... be more known. Perhaps I am wrong in that assumption. However hard it may be... It would be a worthy goal, which is why I basically set it on a indefinite timeline. All new artwork however should have these other resolution's. 

The basic problem is the same as that with movies and most TV's, movies are recorded at a 16:9 ratio tv's have a 4:3, when you convert them you lose part of the screen. if you take a 4:3 image and put it to 16:9 it get's stretched, and distorted. Once the artwork itself has been modified geting it applied to the different packages that it's featured in shouldn't be difficult. If you are going to have an auto-adaption utility it would have to crop as aposed to stretch to avoid distortion.

This really isn't any packages issue, but it would affect several. I hope I have clarified myself an the problem. perhaps the issue got handed to the wrong person? I don't know.

Comment 3 Michal Januszewski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-08-11 11:28:16 UTC
I'm sorry I'm coming so late with this reply (I've been busy with lots of other things, including more critical bugs).

Here's a short outline of the current situation:

1) gentoo-artwork
Contrary to what one might think, this is not a package for _official_ Gentoo artwork. This package is simply a collection of images, icons and other things
related to Gentoo, provided for the users for their convenience (so that they don't have to search for everything around the net). Since the files provided by this package were created by many different people, there's no way to get them to provide images for new resolutions. In fact, you'll note that some of the wallpapers are only available for a single resolution, not even for all the 4 standard ones (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200).

Earlier today, I created a gentoo-artwork page ( There, I ask the users to provide a widescreen version of any newly submitted backgrounds. I can't guarantee one will be provided for every new piece of artwork, but hopefully we'll it at least for some of them.

If you really want to get a widescreen version of one of the 'old' wallpapers, you'll have to try to track down its author yourself.

2) gdm-themes
This package is just a collection of various GDM themes, most of them not even related to Gentoo in any way. There's no way we can get the authors of all these themes to provide updated versions.

3) splash-themes-livecd
If you want this package to provide configs for resolutions other than the ones that it already does, you'll need to file a separate bug and assign it to, and probably also CC

I'm closing the bug as CANTFIX, because there's no good general solution to the problem. I understand the need for images for widescreen resolutions and will try to make sure that new stuff going into gentoo-artwork has support for these resolutions, but that's all I can promise right now :)