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Bug 120513 - Wildfire 3.0.0
Summary: Wildfire 3.0.0
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED)
: 129349 138575 139035 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 107722 107778 110970
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2006-01-27 00:23 UTC by Mark
Modified: 2006-08-23 17:58 UTC (History)
14 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

wildfire-2.4.0.ebuild (wildfire-2.4.0.ebuild,1.00 KB, text/plain)
2006-02-08 13:50 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
init.d/wildfire (wildfire,638 bytes, text/plain)
2006-02-08 14:02 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
conf.d/wildfire (wildfire,336 bytes, text/plain)
2006-02-08 14:03 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
wildfire-2.4.0-r1.ebuild (wildfire-2.4.0-r1.ebuild,1.04 KB, text/plain)
2006-02-08 14:04 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
asylumware.syncsource (asylumware.syncsource,163 bytes, text/plain)
2006-02-08 14:08 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild (wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild,965 bytes, text/plain)
2006-02-08 15:35 UTC, Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED)
wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild (wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild,1.27 KB, text/plain)
2006-02-08 16:18 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
Wildfire 2.5.0 and pyicq-t (0.6 and direct svn) ebuilds (net-im.tar.gz,3.46 KB, application/x-gzip)
2006-02-22 01:35 UTC, Serhij S. Stasyuk
net-im.tar.gz - fixed tar archive. (net-im.tar.gz,3.53 KB, application/x-gzip)
2006-02-22 13:01 UTC, Joshua Schmidlkofer
wildfire.250-251.ebuild.diff (wildfire.250-251.ebuild.diff,401 bytes, patch)
2006-04-02 07:48 UTC, Serhij S. Stasyuk
Details | Diff
${FILESDIR}/env.d/98wildfire (98wildfire,51 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-02 07:49 UTC, Serhij S. Stasyuk

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mark 2006-01-27 00:23:36 UTC
There is an ebuild for Jive-messneger. It has changed name to Wildifre and I was wondering if there is to be an ebuild for it.
Comment 1 Dave Liefbroer 2006-01-29 23:33:01 UTC
I have made my own ebuild for this one. It's a wildfire-bin ebuild. Wildfire depends on Java 1.5 since there's no stable 1.5 JDK in portage yet, I just used the binary from the wildfire site. It's not perfect at the moment, but you could use it if you want. The only problem with it at the moment is the init script. When a 1.5 JDK is stable I will try to make a src ebuild. But I saw in the last attempt of a Jive ebuild that java ebuilds aren't that easy.
Comment 2 Mark 2006-01-29 23:57:53 UTC
currently I am using the tar.gz version with Java1.5 unmasked. I place the wildfire files in /opt and then run wildfire/bin/wildfire start.

I just cant seem to get port 5222 working. 5223/9090/9091 work fine but not 5222. As a result punjab and jwchat dont work :(
Comment 3 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-30 04:26:47 UTC
Also i see that the jive ebuild in portage does not follow the standards for jabber server's in portage. This is really a crummy ebuild :)

If any one is interested in jabber server standards in portage please take a look at net-im/jabber-base
Comment 4 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 13:48:51 UTC
I have an ebuild, that I reved, mod'd and am using in production.  I have had so many wierd problems w/ jabbered, not to mention the pain of configuring and the complications with start and stop that I finally began working with wildfire.

I have a wiki up about my install, one that is ever-growing as we are now installing another system and finding some more java issues.  However....
Comment 5 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 13:50:02 UTC
Created attachment 79270 [details]

Comment 6 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 14:02:49 UTC
Created attachment 79273 [details]

init.d/wildfire - this sucks because i made a lazy hack, instead of retreiving the correct java path.
Comment 7 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 14:03:28 UTC
Created attachment 79274 [details]

conf.d/wildfire - env vars for wildfire.
Comment 8 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 14:04:26 UTC
Created attachment 79275 [details]

This uses the init.d and conf.d script that I made.  It reliably starts and stops now for me.
Comment 9 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 14:08:11 UTC
Created attachment 79276 [details]

asylumware.syncsource - This is a syncsource file for gensync, anyone wishing to use my ebuild is welcome.  I don't think that my ebuild will ever get accepted as is, esp. judging from all the other tickets.  But I wanted something packaged and usable.
Comment 10 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-08 15:35:40 UTC
Created attachment 79282 [details]

This ebuild is net-im/jabber-base complaiant. Lacks an init script so i'll test the one Joshua Schmidlkofer provided, AND most important is that there is no addition to the CONFIG_PROTECT so upgrades will probably kill the previous instalation.
Comment 11 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 16:15:57 UTC
I rev'd my version, and added a line to rename wildfire.xml to wildfire.xml.sample.  If you sync from asylumware you can get it. 

Comment 12 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-08 16:18:22 UTC
Created attachment 79287 [details]

wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild - My version of the ebuild, with my conf.d and init.d scripts.  Also renames the wildfire.xml files in lieu of CONFIG_PROTECT.
Comment 13 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-09 02:26:44 UTC
Comment on attachment 79287 [details]

Please give a look at my ebuild for compliance with jabber-base. Also the correct way to do the install and to save the files is to have a env.d entry with the line:

CONFIG_PROTECT="dir1 dir2 dir3"'

where dir1, dir2 are the directorys we wich to save. This way after the first instalation these dirs will be saved.

Directorys i know need saving
/opt/wildfire/resources/security (location of server certificates)
/opt/wildfire/conf (configuration file)

More stuff is probably needed because the wildfire.xml does not store all the info.
Comment 14 Stephane Bonnell 2006-02-17 00:34:03 UTC
Wildfire 2.5.0 available.
Comment 15 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-02-22 01:35:52 UTC
Created attachment 80410 [details]
Wildfire 2.5.0 and pyicq-t (0.6 and direct svn) ebuilds

Hi all!
Here is my wildfire ebuild (slightly modified and cleaned up version of Joshua Schmidlkofer) and 2 pyicq-t ebuilds (0.6 and direct svn).
Ebuild now provide virtual/jabber-server.
Target not moved as-is, but only needed parts. javadocs are installed only with doc use.
init script uses not source ... ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java but java-config -J
Maybe some other changes.

Please test and let me know.

To Joshua Schmidlkofer:
If you can and approve this ebuilds, please put them into your rsync tree - maybe someone else find them usefull and we get some feedback
Comment 16 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-22 12:58:59 UTC
Serhij -- please feel free to email me: <menion _at_ asylumware _dot_ com>

I have taken wildfire 2.5.0 into asylumware-portage.  I have to check your other ebuild real quick, then I will take them too.
Comment 17 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-02-22 13:01:03 UTC
Created attachment 80455 [details]
net-im.tar.gz - fixed tar archive.

The ebuild here looks good.  I made the following changes:

 * Fixes a wierd double-gzip thing with Serhij tar.
 * Removes code that Serhij commented out.
 * init.d/wildfire needs more work
Comment 18 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-26 04:50:10 UTC
Comment on attachment 80410 [details]
Wildfire 2.5.0 and pyicq-t (0.6 and direct svn) ebuilds

this bug is about wildfire. also please dont post tar.gz files to bugzilla
Comment 19 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-26 04:50:31 UTC
Comment on attachment 80455 [details]
net-im.tar.gz - fixed tar archive.

this bug is about wildfire.
Comment 20 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-26 04:55:52 UTC
Also if yous see my comments and my wildfire-2.4.4.ebuild you will see that it needs to comply with jabber-base.
Comment 21 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-26 05:38:42 UTC
I just added wildfire 2.5.0 to portage (hardmasked) please see it and use it as base for newer versions that are added here.
Comment 22 Stephane Bonnell 2006-03-03 03:10:55 UTC
After installation of the new ebuild all is working but I have one remark on the configuration file. Isn't it possible to move it to /etc/jabber instead of /opt/wildfire/conf/?
If Wildfire needs the conf file in its directory, maybe what is done for apache is an option: put the configuration file inside /etc/jabber and put a link to it inside /opt/wildfire/conf.
Comment 23 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-03-03 09:57:50 UTC
I don't really have any objection to that.....  It certainly makes more sense then dealing with /opt/wildfire/conf.  The one problem is that in order for Wildfire to operate properly it needs _write_ access to this.

It seems wierd to put user-level writable stuff in /etc, are there any Gentoo standards.
Comment 24 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-04-02 07:46:09 UTC
2.5.1 version is out. ebuild is mostly working, but echo need to be changed to file (my portage said that there is no file ...DESTDIR.../etc/env.d/98wildfire and doesn't write anything there)
See patch to current ebuild and ${FILESDIR}/env.d/98wildfire attached
Comment 25 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-04-02 07:48:00 UTC
Created attachment 83714 [details, diff]

diff between wildfire-2.5.0.ebuild and wildfire-2.5.1.ebuild
Comment 26 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-04-02 07:49:53 UTC
Created attachment 83715 [details]

Trivival extract of redirection from ebuild into separate file
Comment 27 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-04-30 23:23:17 UTC
I think bug #129349 is duplicate of this.

I'm using ebuild for 2.5.1 with 2.6.2 version w/o any modifications.
Comment 28 Thomas Gatliff 2006-05-11 11:12:27 UTC
When trying to install the wildfire 2.5 ebuild is says that it requires the 1.5
version of blackdown-jdk eventhough this verision ebuild is not in the main
portage tree, or an for that matter.  Am I missing something here?
Comment 29 Joshua Schmidlkofer 2006-05-11 12:39:51 UTC
It actually requires [at this point] the dev-java/sun-jdk and or dev-java/sun-jre-bin.   I am not aware of the blackdown stuff working at this point.
Comment 30 Serhij S. Stasyuk 2006-05-11 23:51:11 UTC
It requires neither specific blackdown nor sun jdk. Requirements say:
RDEPEND="|| ( >=virtual/jre-1.5 >=virtual/jdk-1.5 )"
and they seems to be correct.
Comment 31 Srepfler Srgjan 2006-05-27 18:47:58 UTC
I'd like to report that I managed to compile 2.6.2 (by renaming the ebuild) but I had problems with ssl connections so after I upped commons-net from 1.2 to 1.4 and recompiled the build ssl worked so I guess commons-net 1.4 is a "must". Other that that it seems it's rather safe to put the ebuild up.
Comment 32 Caleb Cushing 2006-06-19 16:37:21 UTC
2.6.2 ebuild going to get committed
Comment 33 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-30 06:17:16 UTC
*** Bug 129349 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-30 06:17:53 UTC
*** Bug 138575 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 35 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-30 17:01:34 UTC
Added 2.6.2 to portage. Any one wants to try 3.0.0 that was released today?
Comment 36 Stephane Bonnell 2006-07-03 06:23:13 UTC
I made the test after publishing Bug 138575. Only renaming ebuild seems to do the trick, all is working, at least as an upgrade from an installed 2.6.2.
Comment 37 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-03 10:19:02 UTC
*** Bug 139035 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 38 William L. Thomson Jr. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-03 12:00:07 UTC
Wildfire ebuilds do not adhere to generation 2 Java packages on Gentoo Java. 1.5 is only safe to use with generation 2 packages. Packages should no adopt 1.5 support before generation 2 was even in portage.

Now that generation 2 is in ~arch. This ebuild either needs to be updated, or transferred to the Java herd.
Comment 39 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-07-03 20:14:12 UTC
I just added 2.6.2-r1 to the tree that conform to the Gen2 standards. Also i bumped this to 3.0.0 and it seems to be building ok. Right now it is 4:13 am so i'm going to bed and tomorow if 3.0.0 built and runs ok i'll add it to the tree.
Comment 40 Stephane Bonnell 2006-07-04 02:20:02 UTC
Build is Ok but does not start. On my system the init.d script try to start the server using java-1.4 since it is my system default virtual machine.
For the moment I changed my system default to java-1.5

If I understand well the new system for Java, it should be possible to use java-1.4 as system default and java-1.5 for some packages.
Comment 41 Daedius 2006-07-04 11:59:41 UTC
shinra ~ # emerge wildfire -av

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] net-im/wildfire-3.0.0  USE="-doc" 0 kB

Total size of downloads: 0 kB

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] yes

>>> Emerging (1 of 1) net-im/wildfire-3.0.0 to /
>>> checking ebuild checksums ;-)
>>> checking auxfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking miscfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking wildfire_src_3_0_0.tar.gz ;-)
 * Using: sun-jdk-1.5
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking wildfire_src_3_0_0.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/wildfire-3.0.0/work
tar: A lone zero block at 79524
 * Applying wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch ...

 * Failed Patch: wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch !
 *  ( /usr/portage/net-im/wildfire/files/wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch )
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/wildfire-3.0.0/temp/wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch-11185.out

!!! ERROR: net-im/wildfire-3.0.0 failed.
Call stack:, line 1545:   Called dyn_unpack, line 711:   Called src_unpack, line 1254:   Called java-ant-2_src_unpack
  java-ant-2.eclass, line 73:   Called ant_src_unpack
  wildfire-3.0.0.ebuild, line 33:   Called epatch '/usr/portage/net-im/wildfire/files/wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch'
  eutils.eclass, line 335:   Called die

!!! Failed Patch: wildfire-3.0.0-for.patch!
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.

!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:
GENTOO_VM=sun-jdk-1.5  CLASSPATH="" JAVA_HOME="/opt/sun-jdk-"
JAVACFLAGS="-source 1.5 -target 1.5" COMPILER=""
and of course, the output of emerge --info
Comment 42 Albert Holm 2006-07-15 02:07:19 UTC
Wildfire-3.0.1 was been released two days ago. Renaming ebuild and patch seems to give a working installation.
Comment 43 Albert Holm 2006-07-15 02:23:46 UTC
stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping Wildfire Messenger"
        start-stop-daemon --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --stop
        kill $(< /var/run/jabber/
        sleep 2
        if ps ax|grep "^ *$(< /var/run/jabber/" > /dev/null; then
                eend 1
                rm /var/run/jabber/
                eend 0

This stop function seems very redundant. Doesn't start-stop-daemon do everything between kill and fi all by itself? I get an error that it can't stop wildfire because kill failed because there is no pid-file, which means I have to run both stop and zap if I use this version. I removed all but ebegin and start-stop-daemon and it seems to work to both stop and restart.
Comment 44 Albert Holm 2006-08-05 03:47:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #43)
Replying to myself. ;)

After checking the jive-messenger package this seems to be a legacy from before it used start-stop-daemon. Does the init script in this package work properly for anyone? It does not work for me unless I trim it as in comment #43.

I've been using wildfire in a pure generation-2 system without problems. Maybe it is mature enough to be removed from package.mask and given keywords that match platforms that got a 1.5 JDK or atleast ~x86 (what I use)?
Comment 45 2006-08-21 13:34:21 UTC
First, I now have 2 deployments of Wildfire 3.0.1 on Gentoo, one on x86 and one on Xen on x86.  I have the current java configuration (java-config-1 and java-config-2) and all seems to be working well for the past week. 

The only problem I have is (in reference to the previous post)... the start-stop script.

When run as installed the start-stop daemon removes the process and pid file and thus the manual kill fails with "/var/run/ File not found".  

Following is my 30 second hack to get things working:

--- /etc/init.d/wildfire        2006-08-21 07:36:02.000000000 -0600
+++ /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_wildfire      2006-08-21 07:47:50.000000000 -0600
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping Wildfire Messenger"
+       start-stop-daemon --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --stop
        kill $(< /var/run/jabber/
        sleep 2
        if ps ax|grep "^ *$(< /var/run/jabber/" > /dev/null; then
@@ -27,5 +28,4 @@
                rm /var/run/jabber/
                eend 0
-       start-stop-daemon --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --stop

basically i moved the start-top daemon to the end.  This works, but I believe the start-stop-daemon should take care of this on it's own.  I will follow up tonight when I can shut down the services.  Thanks for the great work.
Comment 46 2006-08-22 05:36:08 UTC
Finally had a chance to shut down my wildfire server.  Commenting out the legacy "kill" statements worked.  The following should be in the init script:

stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping Wildfire Messenger"
        start-stop-daemon --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --stop
Comment 47 Gustavo Felisberto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-08-23 17:58:13 UTC
I fixed the stop part. All this is in portage now so i'm closing this bug. Thanks to all those who helped.