When starting k3b, a warning about improper permissions on cdrdao is issued, which reccomends that k3bsetup be run to fix the permissions. This program does not exist on the system in question. slocate, find, etc.. all fail to locate it, even when run as root. It isn't in any user's path. primary DE on this system is xfce. A full stable gnome install is also present. USE Flags: from package.use: kde-base/kdelibs -arts app-cdr/cdrtools unicode from make.conf: acpi doc dvdr ethereal exif gtk gtk2 gnome gphoto2 kerberos nocd nptl offensive svg usb -apm -kde -libg -qt -arts samba tetex x86 -arts samba bash-completion pic
What does the command equery f k3b | grep setup print? For me it shows /usr/bin/k3bsetup /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_k3bsetup2.la /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_k3bsetup2.so /usr/share/applications/kde/k3bsetup2.desktop /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/k3bsetup.mo so the binary is usually under /usr/bin/k3bsetup
You need to set the kde use flag for k3bsetup.
*** Bug 132744 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***