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Bug 11983 - netmount doesn't trigger start of portmap
Summary: netmount doesn't trigger start of portmap
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-12-11 15:31 UTC by Chip Marshall
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

My netmount script (netmount,2.52 KB, text/plain)
2002-12-11 15:46 UTC, Chip Marshall
/mnt/.init.d/depcache (depcache,7.68 KB, text/plain)
2002-12-12 09:05 UTC, Chip Marshall

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chip Marshall 2002-12-11 15:31:58 UTC
Near as I can tell from reading the documentation and the init.d file for
netmount, if there is an nfs mountpoint in /etc/fstab, it will need portmap,
which should trigger portmap to be started, right?

On my system, at least, this doesn't happen. I have both portmap and netmount on
a custom runlevel called 'docked'. It starts netmount, then portmap, so my NFS
partitions don't get mounted. If I restart netmount, it does mount the NFS
partitions. This is kindof annoying, as it means manually restarting a service
in order to get everything working right.
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-12-11 15:38:39 UTC
can you please post your /etc/init.d/netmount as an attachment 
Comment 2 Chip Marshall 2002-12-11 15:46:52 UTC
Created attachment 6411 [details]
My netmount script

Here's my /etc/init.d/netmount. Should be standard. I had made some changes to
try and diagnose the problem, but I think I reverted them all.
Comment 3 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-11 17:11:41 UTC
What version binutils ?  Please attach your /mnt/.init.d/depcache.
Comment 4 Chip Marshall 2002-12-12 09:05:06 UTC
Created attachment 6433 [details]

Sure thing, here it is.

My installed binutils version is
Comment 5 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-14 14:53:59 UTC
Err, sorry, what version baselayout ?

This should be fixed in baselayout- (using rc-scripts-  Here
is the ChangeLog entry for rc-scripts:

  25 Nov 2002; Martin Schlemmer <>:

    One liner fix to src/awk/cachedepends.awk to once again fix
    bug #7803.
Comment 6 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-17 07:32:49 UTC
Does or fix this for you ?
Comment 7 Chip Marshall 2002-12-17 09:44:26 UTC
Ah, I'm running with emerge also claims this is the latest version
available, have the newer versions not been determined to be stable?
Comment 8 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-18 04:58:31 UTC
I bumped to stable, please update, and it should be fixed for you, thanks.