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Bug 116735 - games-strategy/wesnoth-1.0.{1,2} fails on ppc
Summary: games-strategy/wesnoth-1.0.{1,2} fails on ppc
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Games (show other bugs)
Hardware: PPC Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Games
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-25 13:50 UTC by Florian E
Modified: 2006-01-08 03:51 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

errors from one of the first tries of emerging wesnoth (wesnoth.err,1.22 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 13:55 UTC, Florian E
second set off errors+ last 20 lines of emerge log + emerge info (wesnoth.1135518794.err,5.42 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 13:57 UTC, Florian E
third set, errors + emerge info, downgraded binutils to last stable (wesnoth.1135521576.err,3.81 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 13:59 UTC, Florian E
fourth set of errors, trying different useflag combinations (dedicated/editor) (wesnoth.1135533809.err,2.33 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 14:01 UTC, Florian E
a working combination of useflags (wesnoth.1135534562.err,408 bytes, text/plain)
2005-12-25 14:02 UTC, Florian E
errors and emerge info, testing dedicated&&editor (wesnoth.1135542681.err,3.87 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 14:04 UTC, Florian E
errors + emerge info, useflags "-* dedicated editor" (wesnoth.1135544645.err,3.97 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 14:06 UTC, Florian E
testing USE="-* dedicated editor" on wesnoth-1.0.1, emerge info + errors (wesnoth.1135547321.err,1.82 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-25 14:08 UTC, Florian E
many many Out-of-Memory-killers (wesnoth.everything.log-2005-12-26-15:17:21,187.41 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-27 02:41 UTC, Florian E

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Florian E 2005-12-25 13:50:33 UTC
emerge fails for (-dedicated) && (+dedicated +editor)

steps to reproduce:
1. try to emerge wesnoth 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 without setting the "dedicated" useflag XOR with setting the dedicated- and editor-useflags

I'll attach some files with slightly different error messages, emerge infos and stuff.
Comment 1 Florian E 2005-12-25 13:55:12 UTC
Created attachment 75516 [details]
errors from one of the first tries of emerging wesnoth
Comment 2 Florian E 2005-12-25 13:57:26 UTC
Created attachment 75517 [details]
second set off errors+ last 20 lines of emerge log + emerge info
Comment 3 Florian E 2005-12-25 13:59:50 UTC
Created attachment 75518 [details]
third set, errors + emerge info, downgraded binutils to last stable
Comment 4 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:01:39 UTC
Created attachment 75520 [details]
fourth set of errors, trying different useflag combinations (dedicated/editor)
Comment 5 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:02:44 UTC
Created attachment 75521 [details]
a working combination of useflags
Comment 6 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:04:55 UTC
Created attachment 75522 [details]
errors and emerge info, testing dedicated&&editor
Comment 7 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:06:15 UTC
Created attachment 75523 [details]
errors + emerge info, useflags "-* dedicated editor"
Comment 8 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:08:36 UTC
Created attachment 75524 [details]
testing USE="-* dedicated editor" on wesnoth-1.0.1, emerge info + errors
Comment 9 Florian E 2005-12-25 14:14:18 UTC
OK, I lost the track, somewhere I downgraded libsdl to the last stable too
I'm sorry,but I'm feeling kinda sick, to much xmas-sweets ^^"
Comment 10 Joe Jezak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-25 21:44:10 UTC
Are you using a kernel with preempt enabled?  Can you try disabling it if you do?
Comment 11 Florian E 2005-12-26 06:25:36 UTC
nope, no preemp:
 # uname -a
Linux i-do 2.6.15-rc5 #4 Mon Dec 5 19:56:56 CET 2005 ppc 7447A, altivec supported PowerBook6,5 GNU/Linux
 # ls -l /usr/src/linux
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 16 23. Dez 19:25 /usr/src/linux -> linux-2.6.15-rc5
 # grep PREEMP /usr/src/linux/.config 
# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
Comment 12 Mr. Bones. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-26 11:27:00 UTC
Any output from dmesg?
Comment 13 Florian E 2005-12-27 02:27:28 UTC
I managed to emerge it with changing my CXXFLAGS from "-O2 -pipe -mcpu=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec -fno-strict-aliasing" to "-O1 -pipe -mcpu=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec -fno-strict-aliasing" with 
# CXXFLAGS="-O1 -pipe -mcpu=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec -fno-strict-aliasing" emerge wesnoth
>>> games-strategy/wesnoth-1.0.2 merged.
# equery u wesnoth
 U I
- - dedicated : Adds support for dedicated game servers (some packages do not provide clients and servers at the same time)
- - editor    : Enable compilation editor
- - gnome     : Adds GNOME support
- - kde       : Adds support for kde-base/kde (K Desktop Enviroment)
- - lite      : Lite install
+ + nls       : Adds Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
- - server    : Enable compilation of server
- - tools     : Enable compilation of translation tools

I played the tutorial and a campaign mission last night ^^

# CXXFLAGS="-O1 -pipe -mcpu=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec -fno-strict-aliasing" USE="editor server" emerge wesnoth
works too

it seems to me g++ produced incorrect code with the -O2 optimization set
should I track down the option of -O2 which causes the errors by setting CXXFLAGS to "-O1 {every single part of -O2} ..." and disabling one of them every try?
Comment 14 Florian E 2005-12-27 02:40:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> Any output from dmesg?
ehmm... checked my logs... 2904 lines of oom-killers ^^""
I'll create an attachment
Comment 15 Florian E 2005-12-27 02:41:40 UTC
Created attachment 75588 [details]
many many Out-of-Memory-killers
Comment 16 Joe Jezak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-07 23:07:20 UTC
How much memory do you have?  Swap?
Comment 17 Florian E 2006-01-08 03:51:09 UTC
768MB, no swap
I think it's the first time I got an oom-killer

and like I wrote, builds cleanly and works when changing -O2 to -O1
some memory managment prob in gcc..?