I wanted to start asterisk with verbose options. I modified /etc/conf.d/asterisk : ASTERISK_OPTS="-vvv" But, at start, asterisk is really verbose at screen, just CLI should show the logs, and it is not started as a daemon. The same thing with -c (console) option. So, I can start CLI with "asterisk -vvvc", but I no color in logs, as I should have. On asterisk forum, they told me to add : export TERM=vt100 to init script, but no more color. They ask me : "i think perhaps asterisk has to run on a TTY to get color?" I don't really know more. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.# grep OPT /etc/conf.d/asterisk ASTERISK_OPTS="-vvv" 2.# /etc/init.d/asterisk start
1. asterisk-1.0.x doesn't have colours in the cli, that's a feature of 1.2.x 2. _don't_ use cli mode with the init script, having a cli open and trying to run in daemon mode defeats the purpose of being a daemon for every service out there... (unless redirected to another tty, which of course is a potential security issue) cli mode is for debugging problems only use asterisk -r to connect to an already running asterisk daemon
> 1. asterisk-1.0.x doesn't have colours in the cli, that's a feature of 1.2.x Oh, sorry, I've forgot to precise version. I use net-misc/asterisk-1.2.0 > 2. _don't_ use cli mode with the init script, having a cli open and trying > to run in daemon mode defeats the purpose of being a daemon for every > service out there... (unless redirected to another tty, which of course > is a potential security issue) > > cli mode is for debugging problems only ok > use asterisk -r to connect to an already running asterisk daemon That's what I do, and I have a "shell" called "CLI>". So, I said "cli" for that. And I have no color in it. And, before to use asterisk under gentoo, I used it with asterisk@home / CentOS, and I had colors in the "CLI>". That's why I miss them ;-) Also, did you try to start asterisk with options in ASTERISK_OPTS="" ? asterisk doesn't start as a daemon. That's really a bug, so I reopen it.
man asterisk: -v Increase the level of verboseness on the console. The more times -v is specified, the more verbose the output is. Specifying this option implies -f and will cause asterisk to no longer fork or detach from the controlling terminal. This option may also be used in conjunction with -r and -R. Note: This always sets the verbose level in the asterisk process, even if it is running in the background. This will affect the size of your log files.
no idea how to fix this - but you can easily use "asterisk -vvvvc" in a screen instead of the init script. Please reopen when you got a solution!