emerge gimp ... make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gimp-2.2.8-r1/work/gimp-2.2.8/tools' Making all in regexrepl make[2]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/gimp-2.2.8-r1/work/gimp-2.2.8/regexrepl' rm -f libregex.a make[2]: AR@: Command not found make[2]: *** [libregex.a] Error 127 make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gimp-2.2.8-r1/work/gimp-2.2.8/regexrepl' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gimp-2.2.8-r1/work/gimp-2.2.8' make: *** [all] Error 2 Reproducible: Didn't try Steps to Reproduce: emerge gimp Actual Results: failed to build petshop][08:57:19 AM] emerge -pv gimp These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gimp-2.2.8-r1 [2.0.4] -aalib (-altivec) -debug -doc* -gimpprint -gtkhtml -hardened +jpeg +lcms +mmx +mng* +png +python +scanner* -smp +sse +svg +tiff +wmf 0 kB Total size of downloads: 0 kB [petshop][09:02:09 AM] emerge info Portage (default-linux/x86/2005.0, gcc-3.3.5, glibc-, 2.4.30 i686) ================================================================= System uname: 2.4.30 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Gentoo Base System version 1.4.16 distcc 2.13 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632) [enabled] dev-lang/python: 2.3.3-r1 sys-apps/sandbox: 1.2.11 sys-devel/autoconf: 2.13, 2.59-r6 sys-devel/automake: 1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6 sys-devel/binutils: sys-devel/libtool: 1.4.3-r4 virtual/os-headers: ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86" AUTOCLEAN="yes" CBUILD="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown /usr/kde/3.4/env /usr/kde/3.4/share/config /usr/kde/3.4/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/lib/X11/xkb /usr/lib/mozilla/defaults/pref /usr/share/config /usr/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/ /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/ /var/qmail/control" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="autoconfig distcc distlocks sandbox sfperms strict" GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://distfiles.gentoo.org http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo" LANG="en_US" LC_ALL="en_US.utf8" MAKEOPTS="-j6" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" SYNC="rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage" USE="x86 X aac acpi adns aim alsa apache2 apm arts audiofile avi bcmath berkdb bitmap-fonts bluetooth bzlib calendar cdparanoia cdr crypt cups curl dga dio directfb divx4linux dvd dvdread eds emboss encode esd esoob evo exif faac faad fam fastcgi fbcon ffmpeg flac flash flatfile foomaticdb fortran gd gdbm ggi gif gimp gmp gnome gphoto2 gpm gstreamer gtk gtk2 guile i8x0 icc icc-pgo iconv icq imagemagick imap imlib ipv6 jabber jack java jikes jpeg jpeg2k junit kde krb4 lcms ldap libg++ libwww lirc live lm_sensors lzo mad matroshka matroska mbox mcal mikmod ming mmap mmx mmx2 mng mono motif mozcalendar mozdevelop mozilla mozsvg mozxmlterm mp3 mpeg msn mysql ncurses network nis nls nocd nsplugin odbc ogg oggvorbis opengl oscar oss pam pcre pcsc-lite pda pdflib perl php png posix postgres povray ppds python qt quicktime rdesktop readline real rtc ruby samba scanner sdl session shared simplexml slang slp sms snmp soap sockets source speex spell spl sqlite sqlite3 sse sse2 ssl svg svga tcltk tcpd tetex theora tidy tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts unicode usb vorbis win32codecs wmf xanim xine xinerama xml xml2 xmms xosd xprint xscreensaver xv xvid xvmc yahoo zlib userland_GNU kernel_linux elibc_glibc" Unset: ASFLAGS, CTARGET, LDFLAGS, LINGUAS, PORTDIR_OVERLAY
please attach the config.log Thanks!
Created attachment 70273 [details] config.log GIMP 2.2.8-r1 AR@-bug Added the requested config.log as attachment
Hans: could please post your emerge info?
if you do: i686-pc-linux-gnu-ar --help does help information show up?
Can you reproduce this using media-gfx/gimp-9999?