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Bug 104004 - media-video/mplayer-1.0_pre7 AMD64 requires -fPIC
Summary: media-video/mplayer-1.0_pre7 AMD64 requires -fPIC
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 93862
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-08-27 20:14 UTC by disperato
Modified: 2005-08-28 01:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description disperato 2005-08-27 20:14:08 UTC
does not compile due to the -fPIC issue. No way to compile it also following
these steps:

Not happy, because I've the same problem with the "synaptics" package (bug
#102156), I investigated what are the shared libraries on my system using grep
on emerge's log files and recompiled those (few) libraries with -fPIC option
directly (and temporarely) in the make.conf.
I did it for all libraries included xorg-x11. Well, I had the confirmation of
another bug about xorg-x11-6.8.2-r2, already encountered: if I try to recompile,
also upgrade xorg-x11 it don't start (sorry I can't reproduce this). Luckely I
backuped before recompiling the only xorg-x11 and tried again, this time not
recompiling it. No way, mplayer fails to compile. Everything else is fine, the
system is flying.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.emerge mplayer

Actual Results:  
the last 30 lines are here:
-I/usr/lib64/glib/include -I. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2
-I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/lib64/glib/include  -I/usr/include/SDL
-D_REENTRANT -I/usr/X11R6/include  -I/usr/src/linux/include   -I/usr/include/ 
-o mplayer mplayer.o mp_msg.o cpudetect.o codec-cfg.o spudec.o playtree.o
playtreeparser.o asxparser.o vobsub.o subreader.o sub_cc.o find_sub.o m_config.o
m_option.o parser-cfg.o m_struct.o edl.o unrarlib.o mixer.o parser-mpcmd.o
subopt-helper.o libvo/libvo.a libao2/libao2.a libmenu/libmenu.a  Gui/libgui.a
libmpcodecs/libmpcodecs.a   libaf/libaf.a libmpdemux/libmpdemux.a
input/libinput.a postproc/libswscale.a osdep/libosdep.a -ldvdread
libavcodec/libavcodec.a libavformat/libavformat.a  -lmad -ldv -ltheora -logg  
-lmp3lame  -lxvidcore -lm  -lpng -lz -lz -ljpeg  /usr/lib64/
-export-dynamic  -lfreetype -lz  -lcdda_interface -lcdda_paranoia -lnsl  -lgif 
-lsmbclient  -lfontconfig    libfaad2/libfaad2.a  mp3lib/libMP3.a
liba52/liba52.a libmpeg2/libmpeg2.a tremor/libvorbisidec.a -L/usr/lib64
-L/usr/lib64 -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
-L/usr/lib64 -lglib -laa -lGL  -lXv  -lXxf86vm  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11
-lnsl -lnsl -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -lggi    -ldirectfb
-L/usr/lib64 -lcaca -lslang -lX11 -L/usr/lib64 -lncurses -lncurses  -L/usr/lib64
-lesd -laudiofile -lm         -lpthread -ldl -rdynamic   -lm
libvo/libvo.a(osd.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol' can not
be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
libvo/libvo.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mplayer] Error 1

!!! ERROR: media-video/mplayer-1.0_pre7 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 487, Exitcode 2
!!! Failed to build MPlayer!
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.

Gentoo Base System version 1.12.0_pre6
Portage (default-linux/amd64/2005.0, gcc-3.4.4, glibc-2.3.5-r1,
2.6.12-nvidia-r7 x86_64)
System uname: 2.6.12-nvidia-r7 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
ccache version 2.4 [enabled]
dev-lang/python:     2.3.4-r1, 2.4.1-r1
sys-apps/sandbox:    1.2.12
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.13, 2.59-r7
sys-devel/automake:  1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6
sys-devel/binutils:  2.16.1
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.18-r1
virtual/os-headers:  2.6.11-r2
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64"
CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.4/env
/usr/kde/3.4/share/config /usr/kde/3.4/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config
/usr/lib/X11/xkb /usr/lib64/mozilla/defaults/pref /usr/share/config
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/texmf/web2c /etc/env.d"
CXXFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
FEATURES="autoconfig ccache distcc distlocks sandbox sfperms"
USE="amd64 X a52 aac aalib acl acpi apm audiofile avi bash-completion bcmath
berkdb bindist bitmap-fonts blas bmp bonobo bzip2 caps cdparanoia cdr clibpdf
crypt cscope ctype cups curl dbx diet dillo dio directfb doc dv dvb dvd dvdr
dvdread eds emul-linux-86 encode esd examples exif expat fam fbcon ffmpeg fftw
flac flash foomaticdb fortran gd gdbm ggi gif ginac glut gmp gnutls gphoto2 gpm
gstreamer gtk gtk2 gtkhtml guile hal hardened hardenedphp hyperwave-api iconv
ieee1394 imagemagick imlib inifile innodb ipv6 jabber java javascript jikes jpeg
junit ladcca lcms ldap libcaca libwww lm_sensors lzw lzw-tiff m17n-lib mad mhash
mikmod mime ming mng motif mozilla mp3 mpeg mpi mplayer msession mysql mysqli
ncurses nls ofx ogg openal-opengl opengl osc oss pam pcmcia pcntl pcre pdflib
perl php plotutils png portaudio ppds prelude profile python qdbm qt quicktime
radius readline recode ruby samba sapdb scanner sdl sharedext shorten simplexml
slang sndfile speex spell spl sqlite ssl svg szip tcltk tcp tcpd test tetex
theora threads tidy tiff tokenizer truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts unicode
usb userlocales vcd videos vorbis wddx wifi wmf xine xml xml2 xmlrpc xmms xosd
xpm xsl xv xvid zlib userland_GNU kernel_linux elibc_glibc"
Comment 1 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-28 01:02:59 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 93862 ***