-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success CMake Error at /usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5/Qt5Config.cmake:28 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Gui" with any of the following names: ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unstable amd64 chroot image at a tinderbox (==build bot) name: 23.0-20241101-224508 UNMASKED: <sys-devel/gcc-15.0.9999:15 Please re-assign to ztrawhcse@ if you cannot reproduced it with regular meson. <dev-build/meson-9999 The attached etc.portage.tar.xz has all details. ------------------------------------------------------------------- gcc-config -l: [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-15 * llvm-config: Python 3.12.7 go version go1.23.2 linux/amd64 Available Ruby profiles: [1] ruby32 (with Rubygems) * Available Rust versions: [1] rust-bin-1.82.0 [2] rust-1.82.0 * The following VMs are available for generation-2: 1) Eclipse Temurin JDK 11.0.25_p9 [openjdk-bin-11] 2) Eclipse Temurin JDK 21.0.5_p11 [openjdk-bin-21] *) Eclipse Temurin JDK 8.432_p06 [openjdk-bin-8] Available Java Virtual Machines: [1] openjdk-bin-8 system-vm [2] openjdk-bin-11 [3] openjdk-bin-21 The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.2.8 HEAD of ::gentoo commit 926b886fba80a6853531f6ed16c3066a4a087d52 Author: Repository mirror & CI <repomirrorci@gentoo.org> Date: Tue Nov 5 03:03:24 2024 +0000 2024-11-05 03:03:23 UTC emerge -qpvO =games-board/cutechess-1.3.1-r1 [ebuild N ] games-board/cutechess-1.3.1-r1 USE="-qt5 -test"
Created attachment 907931 [details] emerge-info.txt
Created attachment 907932 [details] emerge-history.txt.xz
Created attachment 907933 [details] environment
Created attachment 907934 [details] etc.clang.tar.xz
Created attachment 907935 [details] etc.portage.tar.xz
Created attachment 907936 [details] games-board:cutechess-1.3.1-r1:20241105-043029.log
Created attachment 907937 [details] logs.tar.xz
Created attachment 907938 [details] qlist-info.txt.xz
Created attachment 907939 [details] temp.tar.xz