Created attachment 896844 [details] /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0/temp/build.log There's different fail than in . from build.log: ``` ERROR test/t/ - AssertionError: Unexpected output: [[10:39:16:870] [9777:00002631] [ERROR][com.winpr.commandline] - [log_error]: Failed at index 1 [--kbd-list]: Unexpected keyword ] FAILED test/t/ - assert <CompletionResult []> ============================== 1 failed, 1742 passed, 257 skipped, 13 xfailed, 4 xpassed, 40978 warnings, 1 error in 54.65s ============================== ``` Also from build.log: ``` ========================================================================= ERRORS ========================================================================= _________________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of TestXfreerdp.test_6 __________________________________________________________ [gw21] linux -- Python 3.12.3 /usr/bin/python3.12 request = <SubRequest 'completion' for <Function test_6>>, bash = <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f899a1b76e0> @pytest.fixture def completion(request, bash: pexpect.spawn) -> CompletionResult: marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("complete") if not marker: return CompletionResult() for pre_cmd in marker.kwargs.get("pre_cmds", []): assert_bash_exec(bash, pre_cmd, want_output=None) cmd = getattr(request.cls, "cmd", None) if marker.kwargs.get("require_longopt"): # longopt completions require both command presence and that it # responds something useful to --help if "require_cmd" not in marker.kwargs: marker.kwargs["require_cmd"] = True if "xfail" not in marker.kwargs: marker.kwargs["xfail"] = ( # --help is required to exit with zero in order to not get a # positive for cases where it errors out with a message like # "foo: unrecognized option '--help'" "! %s --help &>/dev/null || " "! %s --help 2>&1 | command grep -qF -- --help" ) % ((cmd,) * 2) if marker.kwargs.get("require_cmd") and not is_bash_type(bash, cmd): pytest.skip("Command not found") > return assert_complete(bash, marker.args[0], **marker.kwargs) bash = <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f899a1b76e0> cmd = 'xfreerdp' marker = Mark(name='complete', args=('xfreerdp -k ',), kwargs={'require_cmd': True}) request = <SubRequest 'completion' for <Function test_6>> /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0/work/bash-completion-2.14.0/test/t/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bash = <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f899a1b76e0>, cmd = 'xfreerdp -k ', kwargs = {'require_cmd': True}, skipif = None, xfail = None bash_env = <conftest.bash_env_saved object at 0x7f899a249af0>, cwd = None, input_cmd = 'xfreerdp -k ' def assert_complete( bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: str, **kwargs ) -> CompletionResult: skipif = kwargs.get("skipif") if skipif: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, skipif, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.skip(skipif) xfail = kwargs.get("xfail") if xfail: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, xfail, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.xfail(xfail) with bash_env_saved(bash, sendintr=True) as bash_env: cwd = kwargs.get("cwd") if cwd: bash_env.chdir(str(cwd)) for k, v in kwargs.get("env", {}).items(): bash_env.write_env(k, v, quote=False) for k, v in kwargs.get("shopt", {}).items(): bash_env.shopt(k, v) input_cmd = cmd rendered_cmd = kwargs.get("rendered_cmd", cmd) re_MAGIC_MARK = re.escape(MAGIC_MARK) trail = kwargs.get("trail") if trail: # \002 = ^B = cursor left input_cmd += trail + "\002" * len(trail) rendered_cmd += trail + "\b" * len(trail) # After reading the results, something weird happens. For most test # setups, as expected (pun intended!), MAGIC_MARK follows as # is. But for some others (e.g. CentOS 6, Ubuntu 14 test # containers), we get MAGIC_MARK one character a time, followed # each time by trail and the corresponding number of \b's. Don't # know why, but accept it until/if someone finds out. Or just be # fine with it indefinitely, the visible and practical end result # on a terminal is the same anyway. maybe_trail = "(%s%s)?" % (re.escape(trail), "\b" * len(trail)) re_MAGIC_MARK = "".join( re.escape(x) + maybe_trail for x in MAGIC_MARK ) bash.send(input_cmd + "\t") # Sleep a bit if requested, to avoid `.*` matching too early time.sleep(kwargs.get("sleep_after_tab", 0)) bash.expect_exact(rendered_cmd) bash.send(MAGIC_MARK) got = bash.expect( [ # 0: multiple lines, result in .before r"\r\n" + re.escape(PS1 + rendered_cmd) + ".*" + re_MAGIC_MARK, # 1: no completion r"^" + re_MAGIC_MARK, # 2: on same line, result in .match r"^([^\r]+)%s$" % re_MAGIC_MARK, # 3: error messages r"^([^\r].*)%s$" % re_MAGIC_MARK, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, ] ) if got == 0: output = re.sub(re_MAGIC_MARK + "$", "", bash.before) return CompletionResult(output) elif got == 2: output = return CompletionResult(output) elif got == 3: output = > raise AssertionError("Unexpected output: [%s]" % output) E AssertionError: Unexpected output: [[10:39:16:870] [9777:00002631] [ERROR][com.winpr.commandline] - [log_error]: Failed at index 1 [--kbd-list]: Unexpected keyword E ] bash = <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f899a1b76e0> bash_env = <conftest.bash_env_saved object at 0x7f899a249af0> cmd = 'xfreerdp -k ' cwd = None got = 3 input_cmd = 'xfreerdp -k ' kwargs = {'require_cmd': True} output = ('[10:39:16:870] [9777:00002631] [ERROR][com.winpr.commandline] - [log_error]: ' 'Failed at index 1 [--kbd-list]: Unexpected keyword\r\n') re_MAGIC_MARK = '__MaGiC\\-maRKz\\-NEtXZVZfKC__' rendered_cmd = 'xfreerdp -k ' skipif = None trail = None xfail = None /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0/work/bash-completion-2.14.0/test/t/ AssertionError ======================================================================== FAILURES ======================================================================== ____________________________________________________________________ TestSudo.test_1 _____________________________________________________________________ [gw15] linux -- Python 3.12.3 /usr/bin/python3.12 self = <test_sudo.TestSudo object at 0x7f9d0a3137d0>, completion = <CompletionResult []> @pytest.mark.complete("sudo -", require_cmd=True) def test_1(self, completion): > assert completion E assert <CompletionResult []> completion = <CompletionResult []> self = <test_sudo.TestSudo object at 0x7f9d0a3137d0> /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0/work/bash-completion-2.14.0/test/t/ AssertionError ```
Created attachment 896845 [details] config.log
Created attachment 896846 [details] environment // profile default/linux/amd64/23.0/split-usr/desktop/plasma gcc-13.2.1_p20240210 O3 pipe march=native(verbose) lto graphite ggdb3
Created attachment 896847 [details] /etc/portage/make.conf // profile default/linux/amd64/23.0/split-usr/desktop/plasma gcc-13 O3 pipe march=native(verbose) lto graphite ggdb3 testing FEATUREs : testing
Reproducible with app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0-r1
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit 6a2612ced5fb4c570be655ecdf0b960ec55f495f Author: Arthur Zamarin <> AuthorDate: 2024-12-06 19:42:07 +0000 Commit: Arthur Zamarin <> CommitDate: 2024-12-06 19:44:53 +0000 app-shells/bash-completion: add 2.15.0 Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Arthur Zamarin <> app-shells/bash-completion/Manifest | 1 + .../bash-completion/bash-completion-2.15.0.ebuild | 183 +++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 184 insertions(+)