This package still uses the legacy eclass code paths. These paths are deprecated and pose a significant maintenance cost. Please update the package to use PEP517 build mode. For more information, please see the Python Guide, particularly;
[Adding this comment en-masse, sorry for the noise, but it's important.) 1. Please take particular care to check file diffs before/after, possibly using `iwdevtools`. Keep a particular eye out for e.g. config files now missing from /etc and instead being in /usr/lib/python*/site-packages, etc. 2. Please make sure to do the migration in a new revision in ~arch, partly because of 1.
Final ping. Please note that we will not hesitate to last rite low profile packages over this. still isn't cared about upstream it seems
Thanks for the updated comment. Upstream is actively working on PEP517 support for multiple distributions at the moment[1]. Distutils currently installs non-python code to custom path locations in cloud-init's packaging - some additional packaging changes will be required in cloud-init to add PEP517 support.
ci has reproduced this issue with version 24.2 - Updating summary.
The plan is to get this fixed before the 24.3 release. See the schedule[1] for release dates. [1]
ci has reproduced this issue with version 24.2-r1 - Updating summary.
ci has reproduced this issue with version 24.4 - Updating summary.
ci has reproduced this issue with version 24.4-r3 - Updating summary.