I have set several options as EXTRA_ECONF for sci-physics/root, which used to work with older versions of the gentoo root package, but it is not working for current root-6.26.08.ebuild and root-6.28.00.ebuild ebuilds. (I am not fully sure, when it stopped working). If I replace "${EXTRA_ECONF}" by ${EXTRA_ECONF} in mycmakeargs, it works. I suspect it might be some problem with spaces, since I have multiple options provided in EXTRA_ECONF. For reference: My current setting is: EXTRA_ECONF="-Dvdt=ON -Dcxx11=ON -Dcxx14=ON -Dcxx17=ON -Dfreetype=ON -Dpcre=ON -Darrow=ON -Dbuiltin_vdt=OFF -Dpyroot_legacy=ON -Dpythia6_nolink=ON -Dpythia6=ON" Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Set the EXTRA_ECONF above 2. Start emerging ROOT, or it is enough to run the configure stage 3. The extra settings are not applied in configure stage Actual Results: Settings are not applied during cmake Expected Results: Settings should be applied.
cmake.eclass supports MYCMAKEARGS so the ebuild shouldn't need to handle this anyway.
thx for the information, didn't know that. I think in that case I'd just remove the broken feature.
Oh, I quoted it because in my case I had some arguments with spaces in them, and CMake was not processing them correctly. I wasn't aware that MYCMAKEARGS was supposed to replace EXTRA_ECONF for CMake based projects, I thought EXTRA_ECONF was supposed to be used regardless of the build system. In any case, I think it's best to remove EXTRA_ECONF then, and stick to MYCMAKEARGS. I will make sure that MYCMAKEARGS works. However, your setting is broken, you are not supposed to set more than one of the C++ standard flags, newer versions of ROOT don't even use those anymore (use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD instead). PyRoot legacy is also long gone, just use USE=python from now on, please. Some of your other flags are also available via USE flags as well.
> I thought EXTRA_ECONF was supposed to be used regardless of the build system EXTRA_ECONF should only be used by the econf function.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=a20cfd13e6d1730e14576ea02e412e38d34135ee commit a20cfd13e6d1730e14576ea02e412e38d34135ee Author: Guilherme Amadio <amadio@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2023-02-28 10:44:13 +0000 Commit: Guilherme Amadio <amadio@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2023-02-28 10:47:43 +0000 sci-physics/root: rely on MYCMAKEARGS from cmake.eclass Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/897900 Signed-off-by: Guilherme Amadio <amadio@gentoo.org> sci-physics/root/root-6.26.08.ebuild | 5 ++--- sci-physics/root/root-6.26.9999.ebuild | 5 ++--- sci-physics/root/root-6.28.00.ebuild | 5 ++--- sci-physics/root/root-6.28.9999.ebuild | 5 ++--- sci-physics/root/root-9999.ebuild | 5 ++--- 5 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
Thanks for the fix in cmake.eclass. I tried locally and it worked. I've removed EXTRA_ECONF from sci-physics/root.