Issue: app-editors/texworks-0.6.7 fails tests (GCC-13-SYSTEM). Discovered on: amd64 (internal ref: gcc13_tinderbox) NOTE: (GCC-13-SYSTEM) in the summary means that the bug was found on a machine that runs gcc-13 but this bug MAY or MAY NOT BE related to the new compiler
Created attachment 852662 [details] build.log build log and emerge --info
Created attachment 852664 [details] 1-LastTest.log 1-LastTest.log
Error(s) that match a know pattern in addition to what has been reported in the summary: 1 - test_poppler-qt5 (Failed) fatal: not a git repository: '.git'
Blocking gcc-13 just in case until reprod with other compiler
texworks-0.6.8 is in the tree now. Has same problem. Also problem persists with texworks-0.6.9. But it doesn't need our custom patches. I think this failure is a poppler problem? Upstream bug:
Created attachment 888496 [details] New version of texworks
Created attachment 888497 [details] test failures on texworks-0.6.9
This is not gcc-13 porting bug. Tests pass after enabling, in eselect fonconfig, following configuration files. 61-urw-bookman.conf * 61-urw-c059.conf * 61-urw-d050000l.conf * 61-urw-fallback-backwards.conf * 61-urw-fallback-generics.conf * 61-urw-fallback-specifics.conf * 61-urw-gothic.conf * 61-urw-nimbus-mono-ps.conf * 61-urw-nimbus-roman.conf * 61-urw-nimbus-sans.conf * 61-urw-p052.conf * 61-urw-standard-symbols-ps.conf * 61-urw-z003.conf *
tinderbox-stable has reproduced this issue in a STABLE environment with version 0.6.8
If nothing else, these fonts don't appear to be a runtime dependency -- nor even a build time dependency. Upstream seems to be claiming they should be a runtime dependency! QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::fonts(poppler-data) "Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-CNS1' mapping" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::fonts(poppler-data) "Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-CNS1' mapping" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::fonts(poppler-data) "Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-CNS1' mapping" FAIL! : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::fonts(poppler-data) Compared lists have different sizes. Actual (actualFontNames) size: 2 Expected (fontNames) size: 5 Loc: [/var/tmp/portage/app-editors/texworks-0.6.8/work/texworks-release-0.6.8/modules/QtPDF/unit-tests/TestQtPDF.cpp(1204)] [...] QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_renderToImage(poppler-data) "Error: Unknown font tag 'G1'" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_renderToImage(poppler-data) "Error (327054): No font in show" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_renderToImage(poppler-data) "Error (327063): No font in show" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_renderToImage(poppler-data) Difference 13.7911 >= 3 FAIL! : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_renderToImage(poppler-data) 'render == ref' returned FALSE. () Loc: [/var/tmp/portage/app-editors/texworks-0.6.8/work/texworks-release-0.6.8/modules/QtPDF/unit-tests/TestQtPDF.cpp(1424)] [...] QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_selectedText(poppler-data p1) "Error: Unknown font tag 'G1'" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_selectedText(poppler-data p1) "Error (327054): No font in show" QDEBUG : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_selectedText(poppler-data p1) "Error (327063): No font in show" FAIL! : UnitTest::TestQtPDF::page_selectedText(poppler-data p1) Compared values are not the same Actual (page->selectedText(selection)): "" Expected (text) : "\u9999\u6E2F\u4EA4\u6613" Loc: [/var/tmp/portage/app-editors/texworks-0.6.8/work/texworks-release-0.6.8/modules/QtPDF/unit-tests/TestQtPDF.cpp(1623)] Definitely not a gcc-13 issue anyway.