Hello! I've found that new sway ebuild has x11-libs/xcb-util-wm as a dep, even though I have X useflag disabled. I've checked upstream, and it seems that it's needed for ICCCM support, but only if xwayland is enabled https://github.com/swaywm/sway/blob/master/meson.build#L86. I've copied ebuild, dropped x11-libs/xcb-util-wm, and successfully built and run sway. Please, move this dep under X useflag.
P.S. I have no xcb or x11 libs on my system, it's completely X11-less.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=550b3c8b21f54a1df4d4a6a149afbea7042fae86 commit 550b3c8b21f54a1df4d4a6a149afbea7042fae86 Author: Matthew Thode <prometheanfire@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2022-12-30 04:09:38 +0000 Commit: Matthew Thode <prometheanfire@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2022-12-30 04:10:25 +0000 gui-wm/sway: move xcb-util-wm dep under the X flag Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/888878 Signed-off-by: Matthew Thode <prometheanfire@gentoo.org> gui-wm/sway/{sway-1.8.ebuild => sway-1.8-r1.ebuild} | 6 ++++-- gui-wm/sway/sway-9999.ebuild | 6 ++++-- 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)