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Bug 885861 - dev-lang/zig-0.10.0 fails tests
Summary: dev-lang/zig-0.10.0 fails tests
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Eric Joldasov
Keywords: PullRequest
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-12-14 10:32 UTC by Agostino Sarubbo
Modified: 2023-03-09 10:54 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

build.log (build.log,797.64 KB, text/plain)
2022-12-14 10:32 UTC, Agostino Sarubbo

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2022-12-14 10:32:06 UTC

Issue: dev-lang/zig-0.10.0 fails tests.
Discovered on: amd64 (internal ref: ci)
Comment 1 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2022-12-14 10:32:08 UTC
Created attachment 842547 [details]

build log and emerge --info
Comment 2 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2022-12-14 10:32:09 UTC
Error(s) that match a know pattern:

Test [489/1472] test.accessing reinterpreted memory of parent object... Test [490/1472] test.const slice child... Test [491/1472] test.break and continue inside loop inside defer expression... Test [492/1472] test.defer and labeled break... Test [493/1472] test.errdefer does not apply to fn inside fn... Test [494/1472] test.return variable while defer expression in scope to modify it... Test [495/1472] test.mixing normal and error defers... Test [496/1472] test.errdefer with payload... Test [497/1472] test.simple else prong doesn't emit an error for unreachable else prong... Test [498/1472] test.enum to int... Test [499/1472] to enum... Test [500/1472] test.enum sizes... Test [501/1472] test.enum literal equality... Test [502/1472] test.enum literal cast to enum... Test [503/1472] test.peer type resolution with enum literal... Test [504/1472] test.enum with specified tag values... Test [505/1472] test.non-exhaustive enum... Test [506/1472] test.empty non-exhaustive enum... Test [507/1472] test.single field non-exhaustive enum... Test [508/1472] test.enum with tag values don't require parens... Test [509/1472] test.cast integer literal to enum... Test [510/1472] test.enum with specified and unspecified tag values... Test [511/1472] test.set enum tag type... Test [512/1472] test.casting enum to its tag type... Test [513/1472] test.enum with 1 field but explicit tag type should still have the tag ... Test [514/1472] test.signed integer as enum tag... Test [515/1472] test.enum with one member and custom tag type... Test [516/1472] test.enum with one member and u1 tag type @enumToInt... Test [517/1472] test.enum with comptime_int tag type... Test [518/1472] test.enum with one member default to u0 tag type... Test [519/1472] test.comparison operator on enum with one member is comptime-known... Test [520/1472] test.switch on enum with one member is comptime-known... Test [521/1472] test.method call on an enum... Test [522/1472] test.enum value allocation... Test [523/1472] test.enum literal casting to tagged union... Test [524/1472] test.enum literal casting to error union with payload enum... Test [525/1472] test.constant enum initialization with differing sizes... Test [526/1472] test.@tagName... Test [527/1472] test.@tagName non-exhaustive enum... Test [528/1472] test.@tagName is null-terminated... Test [529/1472] test.tag name with assigned enum values... Test [530/1472] test.@tagName on enum literals... Test [531/1472] test.enum literal casting to optional... Test [532/1472] test.bit field access with enum fields... Test [533/1472] test.enum literal in array literal... Test [534/1472] test.tag name functions are unique... Test [535/1472] test.size of enum with only one tag which has explicit integer tag type... Test [536/1472] test.switch on an extern enum with negative value... Test [537/1472] test.Non-exhaustive enum with nonstandard int size behaves correctly... Test [538/1472] test.runtime int to enum with one possible value... Test [539/1472] test.error values... Test [540/1472] test.redefinition of error values allowed... Test [541/1472] test.error binary operator... Test [542/1472] test.empty error union... Test [543/1472] test.error wrapping... Test [544/1472] test.unwrap simple value from error... Test [545/1472] test.error return in assignment... Test [546/1472] test.syntax: optional operator in front of error union operator... Test [547/1472] test.widen cast integer payload of error union function call... Test [548/1472] test.debug info for optional error set... Test [549/1472] test.implicit cast to optional to error union to return result loc... Test [550/1472] test.fn returning empty error set can be passed as fn returning any err... Test [551/1472] test.fn returning empty error set can be passed as fn returning any err... Test [552/1472] test.error union type ... Test [553/1472] test.error set type... Test [554/1472] test.explicit error set cast... Test [555/1472] test.comptime test error for empty error set... Test [556/1472] test.comptime err to int of error set with only 1 possible value... Test [557/1472] test.inferred empty error set comptime catch... Test [558/1472] test.error union peer type resolution... Test [559/1472] test.error: Zero sized error set returned with value payload crash... Test [560/1472] test.error: Infer error set from literals... Test [561/1472] test.nested error union function call in optional unwrap... Test [562/1472] test.return function call to error set from error union function... Test [563/1472] test.optional error set is the same size as error set... Test [564/1472] test.nested catch... Test [565/1472] test.function pointer with return type that is error union with payload... Test [566/1472] test.return result loc as peer result loc in inferred error set functio... Test [567/1472] test.error payload type is correctly resolved... Test [568/1472] test.error union comptime caching... Test [569/1472] test.@errorName... Test [570/1472] test.@errorName sentinel length matches slice length... Test [571/1472] test.error set equality... Test [572/1472] test.inferred error set equality... Test [573/1472] test.peer type resolution of two different error unions... Test [574/1472] test.coerce error set to the current inferred error set... Test [575/1472] test.error union payload is properly aligned... Test [576/1472] test.ret_ptr doesn't cause own inferred error set to be resolved... Test [577/1472] test.simple else prong allowed even when all errors handled... Test [578/1472] test.pointer to error union payload... Test [579/1472] test.error union of noreturn used with if... Test [580/1472] test.error union of noreturn used with try... Test [581/1472] test.error union of noreturn used with catch... Test [582/1472] test.alignment of wrapping an error union payload... Test [583/1472] error union and error set... Test [584/1472] test.catch within a function that calls no errorable functions... Test [585/1472] test.error from comptime string... Test [586/1472] test.compile time recursion... Test [587/1472] test.static add one... Test [588/1472] test.inlined loop... Test [589/1472] test.inline variable gets result of const if... Test [590/1472] test.static function evaluation... Test [591/1472] test.const expr eval on single expr blocks... Test [592/1472] test.constant expressions... Test [593/1472] test.inlined block and runtime block phi... Test [594/1472] test.eval @setRuntimeSafety at compile-time... Test [595/1472] test.compile-time downcast when the bits fit... Test [596/1472] test.pointer to type... Test [597/1472] test.a type constructed in a global expression... Test [598/1472] test.comptime function with the same args is memoized... Test [599/1472] test.try to trick eval with runtime if... Test [600/1472] test.@setEvalBranchQuota... Test [601/1472] test.constant struct with negation... Test [602/1472] test.statically initialized list... Test [603/1472] test.statically initialized array literal... Test [604/1472] test.comptime iterate over fn ptr list... Test [605/1472] test.create global array with for loop... Test [606/1472] test.@setEvalBranchQuota at same scope as generic function call... Test [607/1472] test.comptime modification of const struct field... Test [608/1472] test.refer to the type of a generic function... Test [609/1472] extend from u0 to u1... Test [610/1472] test.return 0 from function that has u0 return type... Test [611/1472] test.statically initialized struct... Test [612/1472] test.inline for with same type but different values... Test [613/1472] test.f32 at compile time is lossy... Test [614/1472] test.f64 at compile time is lossy... Test [615/1472] test_0... Test [616/1472] test.binary math operator in partially inlined function... Test [617/1472] test.comptime shl... Test [618/1472] test.comptime bitwise operators... Test [619/1472] test.comptime shlWithOverflow... Test [620/1472] test.const ptr to variable data changes at runtime... Test [621/1472] test.runtime 128 bit integer division... Test [622/1472] test.@tagName of @typeInfo... Test [623/1472] test.static eval list init... Test [624/1472] test.inlined loop has array literal with elided runtime scope on first ... Test [625/1472] test.ptr to local array argument at comptime... Test [626/1472] test.comparisons 0 <= uint and 0 > uint should be comptime... Test [627/1472] test.const global shares pointer with other same one... Test [628/1472] test.string literal used as comptime slice is memoized... Test [629/1472] test.comptime function with mutable pointer is not memoized... Test [630/1472] test.const ptr to comptime mutable data is not memoized... Test [631/1472] test.function which returns struct with type field causes implicit comp... Test [632/1472] method with comptime pass-by-non-copying-value self parameter... Test [633/1472] test.setting backward branch quota just before a generic fn call... Test [634/1472] test.variable inside inline loop that has different types on different ... Test [635/1472] test.*align(1) u16 is the same as *align(1:0:2) u16... Test [636/1472] test.array concatenation of function calls... Test [637/1472] test.array multiplication of function calls... Test [638/1472] test.array concatenation peer resolves element types - value... Test [639/1472] test.array concatenation peer resolves element types - pointer... Test [640/1472] test.array concatenation sets the sentinel - value... Test [641/1472] test.array concatenation sets the sentinel - pointer... Test [642/1472] test.array multiplication sets the sentinel - value... Test [643/1472] test.array multiplication sets the sentinel - pointer... Test [644/1472] test.comptime assign int to optional int... Test [645/1472] test.two comptime calls with array default initialized to undefined... Test [646/1472] test.const type-annotated local initialized with function call has corr... Test [647/1472] test.comptime pointer load through elem_ptr... Test [648/1472] test.debug variable type resolved through indirect zero-bit types... Test [649/1472] test.const local with comptime init through array init... Test [650/1472] test.closure capture type of runtime-known parameter... Test [651/1472] test.comptime break passing through runtime condition converted to runt... Test [652/1472] test.comptime break to outer loop passing through runtime condition con... Test [653/1472] test.comptime break operand passing through runtime condition converted... Test [654/1472] test.comptime break operand passing through runtime switch converted to... Test [655/1472] dependency loop for alignment of self struct... Test [656/1472] dependency loop for alignment of self bare union... Test [657/1472] dependency loop for alignment of self tagged union... Test [658/1472] test.equality of pointers to comptime const... Test [659/1472] test.storing an array of type in a field... Test [660/1472] test.pass pointer to field of comptime-only type as a runtime parameter... Test [661/1472] test.comptime write through extern struct reinterpreted as array... Test [662/1472] test.continue nested in a conditional in an inline for... Test [663/1472] test.optional pointer represented as a pointer value... Test [664/1472] test.mutate through pointer-like optional at comptime... Test [665/1472] test.repeated value is correctly expanded... Test [666/1472] test.value in if block is comptime-known... Test [667/1472] test.lazy sizeof is resolved in division... Test [668/1472] test.lazy value is resolved as slice operand... Test [669/1472] test.break from inline loop depends on runtime condition... Test [670/1472] test.inline for inside a runtime condition... Test [671/1472] test.continue in inline for inside a comptime switch... Test [672/1472] test.length of global array is determinable at comptime... Test [673/1472] test.continue nested inline for loop... Test [673/1472] test.continue nested inline for loop... SKIP
Comment 3 Eric Joldasov 2022-12-18 12:10:32 UTC
I can reproduce, (but) it is expected for pre-bugfix release. Nevertheless, I'll try to fix this and check if upstream knows about this
Comment 4 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2023-03-09 10:54:05 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 8fadfe488122a31156de1ea0118a4f9e7d7943f7
Author:     Eric Joldasov <>
AuthorDate: 2023-01-23 04:09:15 +0000
Commit:     Florian Schmaus <>
CommitDate: 2023-03-09 10:53:57 +0000

    dev-lang/zig: slotting, initial support for setting ZIG_{MCPU,TARGET}
      * Install Zig to "/usr/$(get_libdir)/zig/${PV}", handle
        /usr/bin/zig via eselect-zig
      * Add functions for getting ZIG_TARGET and ZIG_MCPU (user-provided or
        defaults) and use them for building/testing
      * Add "doc" USE flag for installing language reference and stdlib
    Signed-off-by: Eric Joldasov <>
    Signed-off-by: Florian Schmaus <>

 dev-lang/zig/zig-0.10.1-r1.ebuild | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dev-lang/zig/zig-9999.ebuild      |  82 +++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)