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Bug 835762 (qt-5.15.3-stable) - Qt 5.15.3 stabilisation
Summary: Qt 5.15.3 stabilisation
Alias: qt-5.15.3-stable
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Stabilization (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Qt Bug Alias
Depends on: 551318 836650 836843 836846 839285
Blocks: CVE-2022-25255 698988 835761 836830 837317
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2022-03-21 19:31 UTC by Andreas Sturmlechner
Modified: 2022-04-19 11:11 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
dev-qt/assistant-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/designer-5.15.3 dev-qt/linguist-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/linguist-tools-5.15.3 dev-qt/pixeltool-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qdbusviewer-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qdoc-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qt3d-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtbluetooth-5.15.3 amd64 arm arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtcharts-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r2 dev-qt/qtconcurrent-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtdatavis3d-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtdbus-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.3-r1 dev-qt/qtdiag-5.15.3 amd64 x86 dev-qt/qtgamepad-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtgui-5.15.3 dev-qt/qthelp-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtlocation-5.15.3-r1 amd64 arm arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtnetworkauth-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtopengl-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtpaths-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtpositioning-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtquickcontrols-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtscript-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 ppc ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtscxml-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtsensors-5.15.3 amd64 arm arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtserialport-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtspeech-5.15.3 amd64 arm arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtsql-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtsvg-5.15.3 dev-qt/qttest-5.15.3 dev-qt/qttranslations-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtvirtualkeyboard-5.15.3 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtwayland-5.15.3-r1 dev-qt/qtwaylandscanner-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtwebchannel-5.15.3 amd64 arm arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.3_p20220406 amd64 arm64 x86 dev-qt/qtwebsockets-5.15.3 amd64 arm arm64 ppc64 x86 dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtx11extras-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtxml-5.15.3 dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns-5.15.3
Runtime testing required: ---
nattka: sanity-check+


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2022-03-21 19:31:27 UTC
Of course, still with KDE Qt5PatchCollection patches, rebased on top of 5.15.3.

In preparation.
Comment 1 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-03-21 19:40:14 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2022-03-30 18:57:34 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit c72c64a4161cfc6d5df5d50579aac554659bddce
Author:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-30 18:19:28 +0000
Commit:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-30 18:56:24 +0000

    profiles: Drop Qt 5.15.3 package.mask
    Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <>

 profiles/package.mask | 63 ---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 63 deletions(-)
Comment 3 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-03-30 19:01:10 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 4 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2022-04-09 16:07:50 UTC
Updated to:
Comment 5 Arthur Zamarin archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-12 18:45:32 UTC
arm done
Comment 6 Arthur Zamarin archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-12 19:35:28 UTC
arm64 done
Comment 7 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-12 22:49:25 UTC
amd64 done
Comment 8 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-14 00:19:08 UTC
x86 done
Comment 9 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-17 18:16:00 UTC
ppc done
Comment 10 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-17 18:17:33 UTC
ppc64 done

all arches done