Installing dev-python/twisted into a separate ROOT causes a failure in pkg_postinst because it's trying to run "twisted-regen-cache" in the build sysroot (/), not in the host sysroot (${ROOT}). Example: # ROOT=/host emerge dev-python/twisted Result: * python3_9: running python_postinst /var/tmp/portage/dev-python/twisted-22.1.0/temp/environment: line 3092: twisted-regen-cache: command not found * ERROR: dev-python/twisted-22.1.0::gentoo failed (postinst phase): * (no error message) * * Call stack: *, line 127: Called pkg_postinst * environment, line 2625: Called python_foreach_impl 'python_postinst' * environment, line 2859: Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_python_multibuild_wrapper' 'python_postinst' * environment, line 2388: Called _multibuild_run '_python_multibuild_wrapper' 'python_postinst' * environment, line 2386: Called _python_multibuild_wrapper 'python_postinst' * environment, line 950: Called python_postinst * environment, line 3092: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * twisted-regen-cache || die This happens because "twisted-regen-cache" is installed into ${ROOT}/usr/bin/, which is not in ${PATH} in the case that ROOT != /. Even if "twisted-regen-cache" were to be invoked from its installed location beneath ${ROOT}, it still wouldn't do the right thing, as it would try to regenerate /usr/lib/${EPYTHON}/site-packages/twisted/plugins/dropin.cache, which is not the correct path unless ROOT == /. I'm not aware of any way that an ebuild's pkg_postinst() function could chroot into ${ROOT} to run "twisted-regen-cache" to rebuild the *host* system's Twisted plugin caches (rather than the *build* system's), but that seems like it would work if it were possible. Maybe twisted-regen-cache could be improved so that it respects the ROOT environment variable.
I don't really know enough about Twisted to know how to improve it. I suppose the best I Can do is disable the cache update when ROOT!=/.
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s): commit dc0b1763c0ed633ec11a3b7bffa5cf87df5dc2f0 Author: Michał Górny <> AuthorDate: 2022-03-17 08:54:01 +0000 Commit: Michał Górny <> CommitDate: 2022-03-17 08:54:01 +0000 dev-python/twisted: Do not update twisted cache for ROOT != / Bug: Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <> dev-python/twisted/twisted-22.2.0.ebuild | 13 ++----------- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)