0.4.3 installs the service, but it seems like the build system has changed a bit. From the changelog: Notes for packagers: - Udev rules are now installed by default in /lib/udev/rules.d. - Udev rule installation path can be changed with UDEV_RULE_DIRECTORY in cmake - Init systems can manually be force-enabled with FORCE_INIT_SYSTEM in cmake
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=04d823027daf8b17a875e0396669fd4e744bc6c5 commit 04d823027daf8b17a875e0396669fd4e744bc6c5 Author: Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2021-04-21 21:13:33 +0000 Commit: Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2021-04-21 21:14:19 +0000 app-misc/ckb: Fix systemd unit install. As pointed out by John "ajak" Helmert III, the automatic detection of systemd vs OpenRC can fail. Override it with a USE-flag, and use that to simplify the first-use elog messages. Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/783789 Signed-Off-By: Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.17, Repoman-3.0.2 app-misc/ckb/ckb-0.4.4-r1.ebuild | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+)