Here is a ebuild for the latest OSL release, it's a modified 1.10.10 ebuild. There is a slight hack to get the LLVM_ROOT, I don't know if there is another proper way to do this. Doesn't compile with LLVM 10 due to only one library. Enabled linking with shared libs for LLVM as they are installed that way. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 664480 [details] osl ebuild
Comment on attachment 664480 [details] osl ebuild ># Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors ># Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 > >EAPI=7 >inherit cmake llvm toolchain-funcs > ># check this on updates >LLVM_MAX_SLOT=9 Is this correct? I'd imagine llvm-9 is looking into being removed and we wouldn't want to add "new" packages depending on it. > >DESCRIPTION="Advanced shading language for production GI renderers" >HOMEPAGE="" Please also add the Github page here as 2ndary HOMEPAGE. >SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" > >LICENSE="BSD" >SLOT="0" >KEYWORDS="amd64 ~x86" Do not put direct stable keywords, use ~amd64. > >X86_CPU_FEATURES=( > sse2:sse2 sse3:sse3 ssse3:ssse3 sse4_1:sse4.1 sse4_2:sse4.2 > avx:avx avx2:avx2 avx512f:avx512f f16c:f16c >) >CPU_FEATURES=( ${X86_CPU_FEATURES[@]/#/cpu_flags_x86_} ) > >IUSE="doc partio qt5 test ${CPU_FEATURES[@]%:*}" > >RDEPEND=" > dev-libs/boost:= > dev-libs/pugixml > media-libs/openexr:= > media-libs/openimageio:= > <sys-devel/clang-10:= > sys-libs/zlib:= zlib doesn't need a subslot binder, remove := from here. > partio? ( media-libs/partio ) > qt5? ( > dev-qt/qtcore:5 > dev-qt/qtgui:5 > dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 > ) > dev-python/pybind11 Put this with the unconditional dependency list. >" > >DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" >BDEPEND=" > sys-devel/bison > sys-devel/flex > virtual/pkgconfig >" > ># PATCHES=( ># "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.10.5-fix-install-shaders.patch" ># ) You can just remove these lines no need to comment. > ># Restricting tests as Make file handles them differently >RESTRICT="test" Can you patch/sed whatever Makefile is doing weirdly? Doesn't sound too complicated. > >S="${WORKDIR}/OpenShadingLanguage-Release-${PV}" > >llvm_check_deps() { > has_version -r "sys-devel/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}" >} > >src_configure() { > local cpufeature > local mysimd=() > for cpufeature in "${CPU_FEATURES[@]}"; do > use "${cpufeature%:*}" && mysimd+=("${cpufeature#*:}") > done > > # If no CPU SIMDs were used, completely disable them > [[ -z ${mysimd} ]] && mysimd=("0") > > local gcc=$(tc-getCC) > # LLVM needs CPP11. Do not disable. > local mycmakeargs=( > -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR="share/doc/${PF}" > -DENABLERTTI=OFF > -DINSTALL_DOCS=$(usex doc) > -DLLVM_STATIC=OFF > -DOSL_BUILD_TESTS=$(usex test) > -DSTOP_ON_WARNING=OFF > -DUSE_PARTIO=$(usex partio) > -DUSE_QT=$(usex qt5) > -DUSE_SIMD="$(IFS=","; echo "${mysimd[*]}")" > -DLLVM_ROOT=/usr/lib/llvm/${LLVM_MAX_SLOT} You should be able to get this using a function from llvm.eclass that takes PREFIX into account. > ) > > cmake_src_configure >} All the above being said, biggest blocker for not being able to merge this is a missing sign-off tag from you. Please read all the disclaimer text when you make an attachment in bugzilla, or read - making a git-style patch is preferred because it allows you to easily add your sign-off tag there, and us to easily merge it into the tree.
I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified it to work.
(In reply to Joonas Niilola from comment #2) > Comment on attachment 664480 [details] > osl ebuild > > ># Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors > ># Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 > > > >EAPI=7 > >inherit cmake llvm toolchain-funcs > > > ># check this on updates > >LLVM_MAX_SLOT=9 > > Is this correct? I'd imagine llvm-9 is looking into being removed and we > wouldn't want to add "new" packages depending on it. I would not think that this release depends on <=LLVM-9. As mentioned here: ... in the section "Dependencies"... "OSL should compile also properly with C++14 or C++17, but they are not required (unless you are using LLVM >= 10, in which case at least C++14 is needed)." Notice the text within the parenthesis... Putting -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 in the "mycmakeargs" fixes this. Not sure why LLVM-10 needs that special treatment but... See also <snip> > > partio? ( media-libs/partio ) For some reason the OSL package has trouble finding "partio" if not handled properly. I think I made it compile with partio using environment variables but the configure part gives a dubious message; i.e. first it says it fails to find partio and then it says partio found: Configure output: "-- Could NOT find partio (missing: partio_DIR) -- Found partio" <the rest is snipped>
@Reggie have you tried building it? LLVM 10 installed as fewer libraries than the other versions. I didn't look into the build too much, maybe there is a switch to change this build to use the fewer libs version of LLVM over the many LLVM libraries it checks for.
(In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #5) > @Reggie have you tried building it? Yep, builds fine... as mentioned, I *think*, I got it compiled with partio support but not sure how to test it... mainly interested in this for Blender support. > LLVM 10 installed as fewer libraries than the other versions. I didn't look > into the build too much, maybe there is a switch to change this build to use > the fewer libs version of LLVM over the many LLVM libraries it checks for. Not sure what possible ramifications LLVM 10 having fewer libs installed have on this...
(In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #3) > I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified > it to work. One is still needed for the modifications.
(In reply to Sam James from comment #7) > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #3) > > I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified > > it to work. > > One is still needed for the modifications. If you tell me what I need to do, I'll do it, but I've never done it before.
Created attachment 672691 [details, diff] diff media-libs/osl/osl-1.10.10 osl- Bump media-libs/osl- Compiles fine with both sys-devel/llvm-10.0.1 and sys-devel/llvm-11.0.0. Kudos to: - cyrillic for -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 - Luke A. Guest for media-libs/osl- - Joonas Niilola for media-libs/osl- improvements Summary of media-libs/osl- amendments compared to media-libs/os-1.10.10.ebuild (see also the attached diff): Add to HOMEPAGE. Allow max sys-devel/llvm-11, and add dev-python/pybind11 as DEPEND. Use -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14, and remove -DENABLERTTI=OFF (ENABLERTTI was renamed ENABLE_RTTI, and then removed with Use -DLLVM_STATIC=OFF. It doesn't compile with -DLLVM_STATIC=ON (see errors reported at the bottom about missing static *.a libraries). The patch osl-1.10.5-fix-install-shaders.patch is replaced by -DOSL_SHADER_INSTALL_DIR. -DOSL_PTX_INSTALL_DIR works in a similar way. Add CMAKE_REMOVE_MODULES_LIST and leave an empty PATCHES just as a remainder (Findpugixml gives some trouble, see below). There is also an error about partio (note that media-libs/partio-1.10.1 doesn't provide any cmake file): -- Could NOT find partio (missing: partio_DIR) -- Found partio TODO: - > ># Restricting tests as Make file handles them differently > >RESTRICT="test" > > Can you patch/sed whatever Makefile is doing weirdly? Doesn't sound too complicated. New files/directories installed in respect to media-libs/osl-1.10.10: - /usr/lib64/cmake - /usr/lib64/pkgconfig - /usr/lib64/python3.9/ (it will not be built/installed if SANITIZE_ON_LINUX is set, but that cannot be defined directly via the command line) There are some errors/warnings about src/cmake/modules/Findpugixml.cmake: CMake Warning at src/cmake/modules/Findpugixml.cmake:14 (find_package): Could not find a configuration file for package "pugixml" that is compatible with requested version "1.8". The following configuration files were considered but not accepted: /usr/lib64/cmake/pugixml/pugixml-config.cmake, version: unknown Call Stack (most recent call first): src/cmake/checked_find_package.cmake:81 (find_package) src/cmake/externalpackages.cmake:105 (checked_find_package) CMakeLists.txt:139 (include) -- Found pugixml 1.10 Doesn't compile with -DLLVM_STATIC=ON: llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUInfo.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBinaryFormat.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBitstreamReader.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMRemarks.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMCore.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDebugInfoMSF.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDebugInfoCodeView.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMC.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUUtils.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUDesc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMCParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUAsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBitReader.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMTextAPI.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMObject.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMProfileData.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAnalysis.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBitWriter.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMTransformUtils.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAggressiveInstCombine.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMInstCombine.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMScalarOpts.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMTarget.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMCodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDebugInfoDWARF.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAsmPrinter.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMIRReader.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMLinker.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMVectorize.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMInstrumentation.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMipo.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMSelectionDAG.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMGlobalISel.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMIRParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUCodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMCDisassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAMDGPUDisassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64Info.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64Utils.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64Desc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64AsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMCFGuard.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64CodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMAArch64Disassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMNVPTXInfo.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMNVPTXDesc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMNVPTXCodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMInfo.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMUtils.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMDesc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMAsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMCodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMARMDisassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86Info.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86Utils.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86Desc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86CodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86AsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMX86Disassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBPFInfo.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBPFDesc.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBPFAsmParser.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBPFCodeGen.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMBPFDisassembler.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMCoroutines.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMCoverage.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDebugInfoGSYM.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMOption.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDlltoolDriver.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDWARFLinker.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMRuntimeDyld.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMExecutionEngine.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMCJIT.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMFrontendOpenMP.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMFuzzMutate.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMInterpreter.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMLibDriver.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMLineEditor.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMExtensions.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMObjCARCOpts.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMPasses.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMLTO.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMMCA.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMObjectYAML.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMJITLink.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMOrcError.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMOrcJIT.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMDebugInfoPDB.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMSymbolize.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMWindowsManifest.a llvm-config: error: missing: /usr/lib/llvm/10/lib64/libLLVMXRay.a -- LLVM library not found -- Try setting LLVM_ROOT ? -- Maybe this will help: src/build-scripts/build_llvm.bash CMake Error at src/cmake/checked_find_package.cmake:128 (message): LLVM is required, aborting. Call Stack (most recent call first): src/cmake/externalpackages.cmake:109 (checked_find_package) CMakeLists.txt:139 (include)
(In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #8) > (In reply to Sam James from comment #7) > > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #3) > > > I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified > > > it to work. > > > > One is still needed for the modifications. > > If you tell me what I need to do, I'll do it, but I've never done it before. Post a comment as: Signed-off-by: Real Name <email> (Others need to do this too if they want to use their work, but we have got a lot of people going here!)
Created attachment 672694 [details] media-libs/osl- (version bump) Bump version. Feel free to amend.
Created attachment 672697 [details, diff] diff osl- osl- Diff of Luke A. Guest's osl- with osl-
Created attachment 672700 [details] media-libs/osl/Manifest (for osl- Manifest file just for osl- (aka osl-
(In reply to Sam James from comment #10) > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #8) > > (In reply to Sam James from comment #7) > > > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #3) > > > > I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified > > > > it to work. > > > > > > One is still needed for the modifications. > > > > If you tell me what I need to do, I'll do it, but I've never done it before. > > Post a comment as: > Signed-off-by: Real Name <email> > > (Others need to do this too if they want to use their work, but we have got > a lot of people going here!) Hi Sam James, I'm just concerned about privacy... What do you suggest? Use instead a PR on github, or attach `git format-patch` about the commits? Main email or the email you use with (which is a different email to deal with possible spamming, in order to protect the main email)? Can the email be "masked" like "< at>"? Thanks.
(In reply to mehw from comment #14) > (In reply to Sam James from comment #10) > > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #8) > > > (In reply to Sam James from comment #7) > > > > (In reply to Luke A. Guest from comment #3) > > > > > I didn't write this, I copied it from the gentoo portage tree and modified > > > > > it to work. > > > > > > > > One is still needed for the modifications. > > > > > > If you tell me what I need to do, I'll do it, but I've never done it before. > > > > Post a comment as: > > Signed-off-by: Real Name <email> > > > > (Others need to do this too if they want to use their work, but we have got > > a lot of people going here!) > > Hi Sam James, > > I'm just concerned about privacy... What do you suggest? > > Use instead a PR on github, or attach `git format-patch` about the commits? > > Main email or the email you use with (which is a different > email to deal with possible spamming, in order to protect the main email)? > > Can the email be "masked" like "< at>"? > > Thanks. I think we could use one of the GitHub forwarder emails. A few other people have done this.
Upgrading from osl 1.10.13 to 1.11.9 leaves behind preseved libraries. !!! existing preserved libs: >>> package: media-libs/osl- * - /usr/lib64/ * - /usr/lib64/ * used by /usr/bin/blender (media-gfx/blender-2.90.1-r1) * used by /usr/bin/cycles (media-gfx/blender-2.90.1-r1) * - /usr/lib64/ * - /usr/lib64/ * used by /usr/bin/blender (media-gfx/blender-2.90.1-r1) * used by /usr/bin/cycles (media-gfx/blender-2.90.1-r1) Use emerge @preserved-rebuild to rebuild packages using these libraries I think this means that osl should use SLOT operators 0/10 and 0/11 and use := to enforce rebuilds. Updating between 1.10.10 and 1.10.13 appears to work without needing to recompile blender, so I think the granularity of the slots at the minor version level are correct.
The osl- (thanks mehw and others) compiles, and I am able to compile shaders manually with oslc -I/usr/include/OSL/shaders -o xxxx.oso xxxx.osl regardless of whether I use C++11 or 14, and for LLVM 9 through 11. However I am testing these using my setup in bug 751580 but can't get LLVM10 or LLVM 11 with C++14 to work with blender. When only the osl file is present, requiring blender to compile to produce the oso file before rendering, using LLVM 11/C++14 fails with # Blender 2.90.1, Commit date: 1970-01-01 00:00, Hash unknown # backtrace blender(BLI_system_backtrace+0x33) [0x55ac7c4df5c3] blender(+0xd7c979) [0x55ac7a143979] /lib64/ [0x7f1b204ce8f0] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b256fab1c] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b256e7555] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b256e81fb] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b2570835d] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b256e53b5] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b24bfca49] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b24bec173] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b24bec261] blender(+0x29fe0b6) [0x55ac7bdc50b6] blender(+0x29fe866) [0x55ac7bdc5866] blender(+0x29ff9e8) [0x55ac7bdc69e8] blender(+0x1fe9ff6) [0x55ac7b3b0ff6] blender(+0x1fecaec) [0x55ac7b3b3aec] blender(_ZN3ccl11BlenderSync14sync_materialsERN2BL9DepsgraphEb+0x7e4) [0x55ac7b3b4eb4] blender(_ZN3ccl11BlenderSync9sync_dataERN2BL14RenderSettingsERNS1_9DepsgraphERNS1_11SpaceView3DERNS1_6ObjectEiiPPv+0xd3) [0x55ac7b390573] blender(_ZN3ccl14BlenderSession6renderERN2BL9DepsgraphE+0xbbf) [0x55ac7b388fcf] blender(+0x1fb6e95) [0x55ac7b37de95] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b22772a01] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b22772ac8] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b2274d96e] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b227535d8] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b2274c549] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b2274d795] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b227535d8] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b2274c549] /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1b22772471] blender(+0x13c917d) [0x55ac7a79017d] blender(+0x134bad0) [0x55ac7a712ad0] blender(RE_engine_render+0x3ab) [0x55ac7bee5e7b] blender(+0x2b27e71) [0x55ac7beeee71] blender(+0x2b2b020) [0x55ac7bef2020] blender(RE_RenderFrame+0xea) [0x55ac7bef273a] blender(+0x1fa57b4) [0x55ac7b36c7b4] blender(+0x1062732) [0x55ac7a429732] /lib64/ [0x7f1b256bce4e] /lib64/ [0x7f1b2058dfaf] # Python backtrace File "/usr/share/blender/2.90/scripts/addons/cycles/", line 168 in render File "/usr/share/blender/2.90/scripts/addons/cycles/", line 83 in render If I use LLVM 10 or LLVM 9 with C++14 I get a similar error. If osl is compiled from the command line using oslc -I/usr/include/OSL/shaders -o simple_shader.oso simple_shader.osl so that blender just has to use the compiled file under LLVM11/C++14 blender fails to render with found bundled python: /usr/share/blender/2.90/python Read blend: /home/adrian/Documents/test/test_osl.blend /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/osl- call_function: Assertion 'llvm::isa<llvm::Function>(func)' failed. /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/osl- call_function: Assertion 'llvm::isa<llvm::Function>(func)' failed. Aborted (core dumped) although it rendered successfully when using LLVM10/C++14 and LLVM9/C++11 So really only LLVM 9/C++11 seems to work properly for me for both osl 1.10 and 1.11. I think we need another program to test the shaders compiled by osl to help determine whether the issue is with osl or blender.
Adding the correct include for stdosl.h to my test shader results in it working with blender using osl-1.11.9 and LLVM 10, but it still fails with LLVM 11 as the assert in LLVM_Util::call_function in src/liboslexec/llvm_util.cpp triggers for LLVM 11 and upwards. So I will put osl- through with LLVM 10 for now, upgrading to LLVM 11 will require further work.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit cf4b1ff64f961b0fd360e4f74351fa3325081890 Author: Adrian Grigo <> AuthorDate: 2020-11-27 00:27:24 +0000 Commit: Joonas Niilola <> CommitDate: 2020-12-01 11:22:09 +0000 media-libs/osl: Version bump to Version bump to, using LLVM 10 and C++14 using shared libraries to prevent compilation error New dependency on pybind11 added ENABLERTTI removed as flag removed upstream LLVM_ROOT set to prevent errors with pugixml Shader install patch replaced with setting OSL_SHADER_INSTALL_DIR and OSL_PTX_INSTALLDIR Thanks again to Luke A Guest, Sam James, Joonas Niilola, Reggie and mehw for contributions to this update. Signed-off-by: Adrian Grigo <> Closes: Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.9, Repoman-3.0.2 Closes: Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <> media-libs/osl/Manifest | 1 + media-libs/osl/osl- | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 94 insertions(+)
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s): commit 26d4e3a2801d9bcfb870022af121f2a95afe1b65 Author: Adrian Grigo <> AuthorDate: 2020-11-27 02:13:22 +0000 Commit: Joonas Niilola <> CommitDate: 2020-12-03 07:32:12 +0000 media-gfx/blender: Use subslot binder for media-libs/osl Existing versions of blender need to use the subslot binder to prevent preserved libraries being left behind when osl is upgraded from 1.10 to 1.11. This will also ensure that the osl shaders within blender are compiled with the version of osl used to execute them. Osl now declares a subslot 0/10 and 0/11 in my latest PR. Signed-off-by: Adrian Grigo <> Bug: Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.9, Repoman-3.0.2 Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <> media-gfx/blender/blender-2.83.4-r1.ebuild | 2 +- media-gfx/blender/blender-2.90.1-r1.ebuild | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)