On a ~amd64 system 1) install dev-util/idea-community-2020. 2) emerge -pv @preserved-rebuild These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] dev-util/idea-community-2020. USE="jbr8 -jbr11" 0 KiB 3) revdep-rebuild -pv * This is the new python coded version * Please report any bugs found using it. * The original revdep-rebuild script is installed as revdep-rebuild.sh * Please file bugs at: https://bugs.gentoo.org/ * Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase * Scanning files * Checking dynamic linking consistency * Broken files that require: liblldb.so.10 (64 bits) * /usr/bin/lldb * /usr/bin/lldb-vscode * Assign files to packages * /usr/bin/lldb -> dev-util/lldb-10.0.0 * /usr/bin/lldb-vscode -> dev-util/lldb-10.0.0 emerge --pretend --verbose --oneshot --complete-graph=y dev-util/lldb:0 These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] dev-util/lldb-10.0.0::gentoo USE="ncurses python -libedit -lzma -test" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_7 -python2_7 -python3_6 -python3_8" 0 KiB Perhaps, it has to do with this line: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/dev-util/idea-community/idea-community-2020. If I mask lldb with: >=dev-util/lldb-10.0.0 With lldb-9.0.1-r1 the rebuild loop is solved.
please attach the output of emerge --info
Created attachment 638672 [details] emerge --info output Added!
Have you tried revdep-rebuild.sh as indicated? what is pulling in lldb ? equery d lldb
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=3fbe72b216ce5ff1a993b26515931cce4df938b9 commit 3fbe72b216ce5ff1a993b26515931cce4df938b9 Author: Mike Pagano <mpagano@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2020-05-21 23:15:13 +0000 Commit: Mike Pagano <mpagano@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2020-05-21 23:15:13 +0000 dev-util/idea-community: Fix patchelf for lldb Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/721878 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.99, Repoman-2.3.22 Signed-off-by: Mike Pagano <mpagano@gentoo.org> .../idea-community-2020. | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)