Hi, rt-tests contains a set of programs that test and measure various components of real-time kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal latency and the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes. Additionally it contains hackbench, a program to generate work for the scheduler. Thanks, Kurt
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=0bbc3dee5539cf046692f34d49668de67f65f67a commit 0bbc3dee5539cf046692f34d49668de67f65f67a Author: Kurt Kanzenbach <kurt@kmk-computers.de> AuthorDate: 2019-04-26 21:23:08 +0000 Commit: Joonas Niilola <juippis@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2020-01-23 09:53:19 +0000 dev-util/rt-tests: A collection of latency testing tools (new package) rt-tests contains a set of programs that test and measure various components of real-time kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal latency and the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes. Additionally it contains hackbench, a program to generate work for the scheduler. Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/705150 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.79, Repoman-2.3.16 Signed-off-by: Kurt Kanzenbach <kurt@kmk-computers.de> Closes: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/14303 Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <juippis@gentoo.org> dev-util/rt-tests/Manifest | 1 + .../files/rt-tests-1.6-man-compression.patch | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++ dev-util/rt-tests/metadata.xml | 21 ++++++++ dev-util/rt-tests/rt-tests-1.6.ebuild | 34 ++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 117 insertions(+)